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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Phi Phi Island tsunami relief fund 3-Feb-2005 At 12:44:58 AM cheesehead
>I have weighed up whether it was appropriate to post this, but in the
>end decided to wear any criticism for the chance of helping out my friend.
>So, if you think along the lines of "why should I help this guy as opposed
>to all the other people", well, forgive me, I understand and I'm sorry
>for wasting your time.

No mate, you've made a good call in posting this. It's a fair question everyone must ask ("why should I help this guy as opposed to all the other people").
One thing I've mentioned to Simon is that you have to figure out what you're called to do, where your heart leads you. You tend to be pretty ineffective if you try and spread all your energy and resources amongst every single worthwhile cause you come across.

There are many good caues and hurting people in the world. Rightly or wrongly, we tend to feel most drawn to help people and things that are close to our hearts - in this case, a climbing destination, a beautiful island, a dear friend. Personally I think this is right. Maybe the only improvement on this notion is to have more things close to your heart... But that's for each of us to figure.

By the sounds of Soley, hey's a fighter. Perhaps by getting him back on deck, he'll be able to do even more for the cause. Just food for thought.

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