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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Climbing with Kids 18-Jan-2005 At 9:09:41 PM cheesehead

> I am a bit worried though if I am doing the right thing encouraging
>my 4 year old down this path. His summiting Sugarloaf follows his recent
>solo acent of his mates house. Apparently he flashed the crux moves to
>the roof of the carport before continuing across easier gound to gain the
>summit ridge which was traversed prior to the decent.

You should write up a trip report for him.

I started reading a book called 'Native Stones' by some English dude. I don't completely agree, but I like his notion. He never has to yell at his dog to get away from the edge of the crag, or not to run into traffic (though the road is an anomally - not a natural fear zone, you have to learn this...). Neither does he feel the need to yell at his kids to do the same. Apparently it's instinctual enough when we're young... I'd like to read it again to make sure I've got his point right.
It's worth realising though that different 'animals' learn differently. Those with a smaller brain are born with certain insintincts and preprogramming (like how to hunt, how to not walk off a cliff, etc). Larger brained animals such as people are born with an underdeveloped brain so we can fit (on the way out of mummies tummy). We then do a lot of our developing outside the womb, and have to be taught a lot of stuff that other animals know as instinct. The upside is there's a lot more room and processing power upstairs... but I digress (what I do best)

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