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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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photo question 8-Dec-2004 At 9:41:21 PM Onsight
Nice one Gavin.

Personally I think the thing is to decide how you want to end up using your images (prints - web - publication - whatever) and then you can select the tools (camera - films/digi - etc) accordingly (according to your budget). There's no end of this info available.

The really big thing though is to have a vision of what you want to create (or document) - and then what you do and the techniques you use will follow and will no doubt be largely a matter of personal taste (based on your personal experiences - creativity -experimentation - etc). There's no real "right" or "wrong".

Personally, if I end up creating an image that I think goes some small way to saying something about how flippen awesome climbing is, and why I (still) enjoy getting out and doing (trying!) it, and how special are the places where it can take you, well, then, I'm happy.

Happy snapping everyone.

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