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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Rope Skills 25-Nov-2004 At 11:37:36 AM SteveH

down prussick to the guy...then assisted abseil the rest of the way down.

That would be the idea but actually doing it would be pretty hard. I haven't done a whole heap of rope
resuce work so I would think that getting the leaders weight off the back up prussick and onto yourself
would be pretty hard.


is this where you carry a knife?
(only to cut the back up prussick)


whats the rest of the canyon like?
important to get the guy onto a ledge soon (harness hang), so downprussick to him, leash up tohim and
grab the rap device, weight the leash then either removeeof justcut his prussickand puta backup sling
(unweighted) between him and one of your backup prussicks

depending on his condition:callin the rescue chopper,get him comfy and in a space bag or something and
do whatever ya gotta in terms of 1st aid, if his condition allows (regains conciousness, so sign of serious
injury, getouttherestof the canyon by lowering him off of the abseils and outta there quicksmart then get
him checked out by the medics tobesure.
why wouldntyoube wearinga helmet ina canyon?

Top of the class :) Yeah, I was thinking it'd suck without a knife, if you couldn't get their weight off their
prussick by hand, you'd have to set up a little pulley I guess. I've never carried a knofe :O

MM, you getting too use to writing essays?!? Are the exams over?

Note to self: Knives in canyons can also be used to cut arms off if need be :)

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