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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Havachatwithhexy... 4-Sep-2004 At 10:12:43 PM Onsight
Where ya been Tel?

Thanks for explaining that Hex, I’d always wondered what happened there.

And so a great contributor to the culture of Oz climbing falls on his sword due to lack of support, eh? Jeez, why do I find that not so hard to believe! That must have been frustrating for him. Easy to be a knocker when your not a contributor.

As far as Chockstone is concerned, I see it as an unbelievable invaluable alternative for exchanging information and ideas, and is entertaining as hell to boot - I haven’t had so much fun with “Oz Climbing” in years (aside from climbing of course). Personally, I’d gladly suffer, nay welcome, a whole host of personal insults and irrelevant banter instead of seeing freedom of speech curtailed too much - although there should be some limits of course.

Yes, of course there's going to be flak and spray. That’s what happens when you set up camp in the middle of a battle-ground (figuratively speaking). There are issues for us to discuss – they’ve been around for years — we just haven’t had this opportunity before.

Cheers for all your hard work and vision here Mike – here’s a round of applause from me!

And cheers to you too Hex. I'll be happy to contribute to your thread - and I don't care who you are.

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