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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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National Difficulty - dissappointing 30-Aug-2004 At 10:27:16 AM Onsight
Phil, I’m sorry to hear you are so disappointed. Your feedback is very important though - so that they know what needs improving.

I was about to start a thread this morning to congratulate the organisers, and especially the route setters, for doing a fantastic job overall. Personally, I was absolutely delighted to see a great onsight-lead competition in this country. First time I'd seen such a comp in many years.

This is not so say some organisational aspects couldn't be improved. My girlfriend competed in the Womens Open and her competition also ran late, which makes it very hard to time your warm-ups, but overall I thought the comp was actually run really well. Please bear in mind that organising these things is usually a thankless task. I'm sure some of the bugs will get ironed out when these sort of comps get run more regularly again (as I very much hope they do).

I agree with you about the belaying, some I saw was good, but some definitely had a lot to be desired. These people are volunteers though, so the problem is more how to get more experienced belayers to help out. More notice of that being a problem might help there.

IMO, the long routes and fantastic route setting far over-rided some of the problems on the day.

Well done everyone!

(Essentially I was just a spectator so it'd be good to hear what other competitors had to say about it too).

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