Congratulations Andy on sounding like yet another ill informed John Laws listener. And thanks to those people who demonstrated brain use and pointed out that it has not cost the govt (or taxpayer) anything and that despite its limitations, it does spark useful conversations and serve to shake up those whose brains probably need the exercise. You may also like to note that it is not a planned roll out and not all of them. If it happens, it will be 50% of them and done as they would ordinarily be replaced anyway.
I also suggest you look at what health and education actually cost. $680 000 (if that figure was pulled from anywhere more informative than your arse), even if the govt had spent it, is about 0.0003 % of the cost of the upgraded Royal Adelaide Hospital. If you want to carry on about wasted govt expenses try the defense forces, parlimentary pensions, subsidies to multi-billion dollar companies, desperate efforts to catch welfare fraud, "border control", manus island, the list is long ... or perhaps you would like to contemplate whether indignation at climbers such yourself collecting the dole and going climbing is reasonable? Govts almost never spend money where I think it should go, but those lights are very low on the list of things worth carrying on about. |