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General Climbing Discussion

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North Grampians Reopenings Sept 2015 12-Sep-2015 At 12:10:05 PM access t cliffcare
Hi All,

Please find below an announcement on the reopening date of most of the North Grampians climbing areas. It isn't on all sites such as the CliffCare website at the moment as I am overseas and the internet has suddenly decided, that it won't let me do much more than intermittently grant me access to Facebook, oh and Chockstone now. More info to follow when I can get more than 30 secs of reception.


People - it has been a long time coming, and the recovering areas thank you for your patience. As of the 18th September, most of the climbing areas in the North Grampians still closed, will once again open. These areas though, are still fragile and deserve to have a little extra thought given, if and when you decide to head there. The Mt Difficult Range is still in a very fragile state and because of this, the closure here will remain in place, except for those cliffs listed. Check out the list below and please continue to read the care info following it. Thank you all in the climbing and bouldering community who have been understanding of the closures and have been actively promoting it to others. Lots of other areas have seen renewed interest. Whilst Nature will continue to throw these events at us, it is obvious that there are always enough cliffs and boulders to go around.

Open and accessible rock climbing and bouldering areas in the Northern Grampians:

Mt Zero Area

Flat Rock Area
Note there is a new access track between Flat Rock, The Kindergarten and Andersons via Bellepheron Wall.

Hollow Mountain Area

Hollow mountain block
Main Area
Gun Buttress
Van Diemen’s Land/Cut Lunch Note: Access is preferred from the Hollow Mountain walking track not from Mt Stapylton walking track.

Summerday Valley

Flying Blind
Wall of Fools
Back Wall
Bowler Boulder
Summerday Valley closures: Note that access to Main wall, Left wall, Bird wall and Calcutti Crag is currently closed due to threatened plant species regeneration, cultural heritage protection and trail degradation).

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre

Central Buttress
Grey & Green Walls
Taipan Wall (Upper and Lower)
Epsilon Wall
Trackside Bouldering area
Spurt/ Afterglow
Between the Sheeps
Caves Club
Plaza Strip/the Citadel

Every cliff and boulder name has not been added to this list as it would be too extensive. All previously listed as open continue to be so.The general areas and maps should give you an indication. If you are unsure if a cliff or boulder area is accessible, please contact to clarify

Although access will largely be as before the fire, Parks Victoria are appealing to all users: walkers, climbers and boulderers to stay on the provided access tracks to reach the features of interest. The temptation for some to wander off the track in search of new areas may seem like too much to bear, but please understand the fragile soils are still very mobile. What this means is that they are easily eroded and also susceptible to degradation and weed contamination. Parks Victoria also notes that there are tree risk issues due to the fire. Whilst burnt hazardous trees may have been removed from visitor tracks, 'off track' areas are a different matter.


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