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Survey feedback requested on The Pines campground 12-May-2015 At 1:53:41 PM access t CliffCare
On 12/05/2015 Wendy wrote:
>Hi Tracey,
>I'm not sure this survey is appropriately worded to get unbiassed results.
>It has several moments of suggesting that the pines are the only source
>of shade. There is no wording of use of local natives to generate shade
>in the same manner that you say "plant pines to create shade". So it directs
>anyone valuing shade to choose the pines option. There is also no option
>to say "I value the native vegetation" as part of the experience, only
>to say "I value the history and tradition of the pines". Yes, there is
>the "other" option, but by having actually worded options, people do tend
>to choose from those so what you choose to list and how you word it affects
>how people respond.
>I'm sure we all know on here that I am firmly in the no more pines camp.
>There was nowhere to list my concerns with the pines in the survey (which
>are myriad and don't really fit into a single "other" box along with driving
>off the road, camping outside of designated areas, pooing all over the
>place etc etc). Or to say I don't really want to face this same question
>in another 70 years when another lot of pines die when we could plant natives
>that last 100s of years. Still, we probably won't be around to deal with
>that problem ourselves, even if the WImmera is at all tolerable after another
>70 years of unchecked climate change.
>Sorry to be a grumble bum.

Hiya grumble bum :)

I will be the first to say that this isn't a perfect survey but I do think it covers a lot of areas, questions and statements that have come up over the years. At some point we had to bring the questions down to a workable amount and those which we thought would give us an overall idea of the thoughts out there. So far the feedback has been quite similar to much of what I have heard over the years through speaking to many who use the campground. It wasn't just put together by myself but by a range of people and as I noted, using many of the previous questions and information gathered to inform the questionnaire. Fixing up the campground also has a number of logistical and resource issues which we are working with - whether we like it or not and again these have informed the questionnaire. Many people have used the Other option to write a little more in detail and I do think there is nothing to stop you from doing this. And they have also sent me emails, again going into a little more detail. Please feel free to do so. These results aren't being pumped into some program whereby at the end it gives me an overall average. This is manual and I will be including many of the extra thoughts provided. I also think that those that are firmly in the all natives camp will choose accordingly and those who are not so fussed will also do likewise.

People keep commenting on how much fuss there has to be in order to get a few trees planted. As I think everyone can see, there are many differing opinions so therein lies the problem as to the amount of fuss. What is a definite is that there will need to be compromise from all camps.


A fellow often grumble bum.

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