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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Pharos Gully Track Working Bee - 29/04/2015 28-Apr-2015 At 8:52:03 AM access t CliffCare
Thanks Andrew. You beat me to it. As I posted to social media this morning - HI Everyone,

CliffCare and Friends of Arapiles are organizing a last minute final date to carry a few of the smaller rocks up the ledge above Spellbinder for Walter so he can finish the track. This Wednesday 29th. As in tomorrow. There is only a matter of metres to go. Between 20-30 rocks in total - all about football size. Walter will be up on Wednesday for the rest of the week to finish it off so we could really love this to be the last and final push to see the end.

If anyone has recently been up on the track you will see how close it is to the end and really what a work of art it is. Walter has done such an amazing job that also wouldn't have been able to be completed without the help of all the rock haulers.

Hope to see you there. I won't be there actually as in Melbs but Louise will be cracking the whip.
May the rocks be with you!


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