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General Climbing Discussion

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The Pines Campground at Araps - What's happening! 27-Nov-2014 At 3:21:07 PM access t CliffCare
The campground and tree issue was discussed at length last monday at the Arapiles Advisory Group meeting where we met at the park. This is moving forward with tree species being whittled down and the goal deadline is for the next planting season next year. This will be happening. We are all determined that decisions and moving forward with it need to occur. We have discussed putting a survey together so that those who use the park can contribute their thoughts. Lots of details to work out but there will be work days that people will need to be involved in and depending on funds and grants, there may be donations required to get this finally happening. I'm sure that some people won't be happy with the final decisions but like most things, there are lots of perspectives to take on board and finding a middle ground sometimes takes a while. I think though that for the most part, the choices that will be made will serve most people.
Once we get a survey sorted, the link will be put here for your contribution. Please continue to be interested. :-)


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