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General Climbing Discussion

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Hardest Australian Trad Onsight 1-Aug-2004 At 9:04:44 PM onsight
Mighty Mouse: many thanks for taking the time, it’s much appreciated.

Before anyone else starts carrying on, I’d just like to point out to everyone that I actually happen to know both Lee and Neil personally, consider them to be mates, and actually have a hell of a lot of respect for them due to the exceptional selfless work they’re doing to put something significant back into that odd entity “Oz climbing”. I believe the comments were meant in jest, but as I’m sure they appreciate, if they’re going to dish it out then they can expect to have it dished out back in return – I thought that’s all I was doing. So relax everyone.

Sorry Lee, didn’t mean to imply that was sexist, I know how you feel about those issues, I was largely having a dig at Neil for his censorship earlier in the day (cause I believe that thread would have eventually self corrected).

Maxots: I appreciate that you wouldn’t have been aware of the above; but accusing someone of a personal attack and then attacking them personally, all in the same post, doesn’t really work either now does it? The problem with your initial post in this thread is that you’re making a whole lot of assumptions - and accusations - which actually have no basis in facts. Also, the fictional conversation you made up seems pretty personal and therefore isn’t appreciated. Anyway, you’ve apologised, I accept that, so let’s all move on…

On 31/07/2004 maxots wrote:
>it just seems theres this whole righteous "don't question
>us" crap surrounding the top climbers…
Actually, I agree entirely with the JIST of what you’re saying here. The way I see it is that if people are reporting “significant achievements” in the media then they have a obligation to ensure that they’ve got the facts straight — and aren’t misrepresented (as they sometimes are). Personally, I actually go to quite a lot of trouble to ensure all the news I report to the climbing media is factually correct.

Hex: Cheers mate. I always said you were a nice troll. That last (infamous) “everyone’s a winner” quote that you pulled out is a real ripper aint it! Those comments have always had me beat. How the hell he could have an issue with someone trying to readdress the “imbalance” has always baffled me.

Like I said, Oz climbing really shits me sometimes. People might eventually understand why.

Mikl: It was great catching up w you in France, we really enjoyed that. You’re a true gentleman and a diplomat. If they awarded Nobel (peace) prizes for contributions to Oz climbing, then you’d get my nomination.

On 1/08/2004 mikl law wrote:
>I think female climbers get a lot more scrutiny on the gleaming white purity
>of their ascents than the average Joe. And the routes they do seem to be
>more often up for a downgrading too. Public acceptance lags a few years
>behind their feats.

Immortal words folks.

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