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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Vic Parks Camping Fee Proposal 24-Feb-2014 At 3:49:41 PM access t CliffCare
On 24/02/2014 Sabu wrote:
>They haven't updated the document at all, its still dated at October 2013
>with notes about how it will be implemented in March.
>The quote of the page suggest they're still planning changes but only
>in relation to pension card holders etc and the length of peak periods.
>WTF was the point of asking for feedback if they don't change a bloody

There also wasn't a huge amount of people that responded unfortunately. And many of them were identical responses - those seem to be counted as one response. Low fanfare on the RIS coupled with the usual low response from public makes for easy decisions for them. I would imagine it would require a decent response on the richter scale to sway them from what they had in mind.

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