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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Vic Parks Camping Fee Proposal 9-Nov-2013 At 1:29:11 PM access t CliffCare
On 8/11/2013 ajfclark wrote:
>Odd that this is labelled a proposal and is open for comment... The Pines
>has an updated sign that says $5 a night, Catani has already gone up to
>about what they are proposing in this release... I wonder if other sites
>have already gone up too?

Now that the Arapiles 50 climbing forum and events celebrations have passed and my work schedule is easing back to normal, I will be posting some comments on this shortly. Most important thing to note though is that people - as in as many as possible - need to make submissions to it. If everyone complains but no-one makes submissions, it means nothing and it will surely go ahead.

The current price increase at various campgrounds is the usual annual CPI increase and not what they are talking about when they are talking about the camp fee increase proposal. The annual increases will occur as per usual. We just never noticed it at Araps because we were stuck in a bit of a lucky camp fee time warp. Also, the Araps campground, due to the changes that were implented a short time ago - differentiating it from other campgrounds - will not fall into the same category regarding site prices. It works on a per user basis now. If this changes in the future, then I would imagine, it would again fall into the same category. For now Arapiles is safe from the exorbitant price hike. The Grampians and other climbing focused parks are not however.
This price change needs to be challenged - strongly - if you don't want to see it implemented.


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