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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Interviews With Climbers 26-Jul-2004 At 4:47:22 PM climberman
I have a distinctly Blueys bias, but then that's me. Have enjoyed all the ones to date, specially Mikl whos routes and humour have always appealed.

I'll second one for Giles. A most engaging and gentlemanly fella.

Martin Pircher always cracked me up, he was like a whirlwind in the Blueys for a few years.

Ewbank. Although the back page in Climb was excellent and may make a new interview superflous.

Rod Young, Westwood and the Nowra crew. Bringing us out of the Dark Ages and swamping the New Wave. Not usually short of a thing to say, neither (and some of the stuff at York and The Big K).

Maybe a chat with Vera Wong ? She is practising medecine in Newtown, Sinny these days. Dunno if she's still climbing, but maybe caving again ?

If you could squeeze a few words out of Muir that'd be interesting.

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