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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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hanging rock access 25-Feb-2014 At 12:59:11 PM access t CliffCare
On 25/02/2014 skegly wrote:
>On 25/02/2014 kieranl wrote:
>>On 25/02/2014 skegly wrote:
>>>It was after all our grey beards
>>>activities on the rock that caused the closer( a little birdie told
>>From memory, the closure was triggered when the managers were successfully
>>sued after a child slipped on the tourist steps.
>I heard that a certain well known climber got a bit carried away when
>the law on seat belts in cars for safety was introduced. No names as the
>said person has helped me and many others in the sport we love.

You don't really need to say the name when you have explained it like that..
That, like lots of stories about Hanging Rock and other places is campfire supposition. And there are many of them around.
It's more along the lines of Kierans explanation. Rarely straightforward though. Years of changes in people, records and memories makes it like a little treasure hunt.

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