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Pharos Gully Repair - 27thApr. Working Bee/BBQ 17-Apr-2013 At 10:03:56 AM Access T CliffCare
Hi All,

There will be another working bee at the Pharos Gully on Saturday 27th April. Anzac Day is on the Thursday and many people are planning to take the Friday off as well and make it a great long weekend. Spare an hour and come to the gully to help move a new pile of rocks.
The end of this project is inching ever closer and Walter is going great guns. He can't do the work though without our help getting the rocks to him.

I will be holding a bbq for all the volunteers and there is also a possibility of a few prize/giveaways for those who do help out. I am keeping my fingers crossed we can make this working bee a big one. Means we don't have to have another one for quite a while then :)
Drop me a line and let me know and also I need to know carnivore or vegetarian option for catering purposes.

WHERE: Mt Arapiles, Pharos Gully
WHEN: Saturday, 27th April 3 -5 pm.
MEET: Bottom of the Pharos gully

More info here:


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