Troll alert
On Boulderers, objectivity/subjectivity, no-rest-days & pet-peeeevs
Wheel of Life
( Quote from )
> we climbed in the Hollow mountain cave and worked out all the parts to Wheel of Life. That line is crazy long and doesn’t have much to do with bouldering if you ask me...
His defn of Bouldering is /what/!?! I'd like to know what's going on here...
( Quote from )
> ...made me realize that it would probably take time to get the whole thing dialed enough to go for the full’s hard to invest all that time into a 70-move link-up.
That quote pisses me off. (Aussie pride?)
Super-hyper-positive sandbagging pisses me off.
sand-bagging, fine.
(tongue in cheek sandbagging see, Zac V's, smitten, "it's all jugs")
being positive, fine.
But if you think somethings easy, don't be all like:
> [X] took me about 10 minutes and didn’t feel too hard, so who knows about the grade,
arrrg! - /you/ know about the grade! - you're a pro, you have an opinion, you've climbed 100's of v+10's...
Maybe my peev is with the writing... they're all nice guys... it's a blog from a climber
("like, dude, we cleaned it & like dude, the holds were & then whoa, projects everywhere - I'm glad I packed extra beanies...") |