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Warragul Rocks resides in the Tallarook State Forest, at Tallarook, not far from
Seymour. Access is via very long and twisty dirt roads (See: Approach
Map for details), that are suitable for the family sedan (at least in
summer) right up until the last few metres where-in it becomes
progressively more rocky. Beware those wombats, they are faster than you'd
expect and can run out in front of your vehicle. "East Falls" road will
eventually bring you to the summit, with an impressive view over looking
the Goulburn River valley.
Access Note: The landowner wishes you
to "Please ensure you contact me prior to accessing the rocks on the
following number: Ron Milanovic mobile - 0413 402 744". See
forum topic for recent access issues.
Directly below the granite cliff drops away, broken
by a horizontal terrace that more or less runs the full width of the
cliff. You can walk along this ledge to access the upper lines which are
short, but fun, including my personal favourite "Champagne and Novocain",
the 15m grade 21.

To gain the terrace walk left (as you look out into the
valley), and circle around, or you can scramble in from the right, or just
abseil in. To gain the very base of the crag and access to the longer,
slaby, but often dirty routes below, hike down the left side descent and
circle around, or just abseil all the way down the 75m from the terrace.
Which brings me to another point: abseilers. Don't be surprised to be
sharing the cliff with a guided party of abseilers who have bizarrely paid
good money for the experience, though unfortunately not always equally
imbibed with good sense. Sudden showers of rocks and debris from above is
common, as their excited shrieks echo across the valley, and their
supposed leaders jabber into walky-talkies and toss 100m static lines onto
Above Right: Adrian checking out the view
from the summit, overlooking the Goulburn River valley. Above Left:
Looking up at the cliff from the forest below. Routes such as "Stolen
Car Descent" start at the very right of this picture.
The Lower Slabs 
For the real Warragul Rocks experience you have to
start at the very base of the cliff and head up one of the longer, dirtier
routes, like "Stolen Car Descent Route", the two pitch, 75m
grade 15. The start of the line is marked by a cluster of car wrecks that
presumably have been trundled off the top in some sort of post pubescent
madness. The route heads up the thin crack line (pictured right) to a
belay ledge at 35m. The ledge is sufficient to hold a party of three,
though the belay consists of small trad gear in one feature, an undercling
flake - not too inspiring considering the run outs required in pitch two
above. P2, heads up past a rusty old bolt and on to a runout, shrubby slab
finish, topping out at the aforementioned terrace above. The psychological
crux is just before clipping this bolt, given the sometimes manky gear
below. If grade 15 is something you're not confident on, or you suck at
finding tricky trad placements, perhaps lead something else instead. If
not, this is a stellar line, well worth the steep hike down to the base,
and despite the dirt and moss that plague most edges and cracks. Okay, so
it's not a gym climb!
Above Right: Racking up at the car wrecks,
and Adrian Leading "Stolen Car Descent", the 75m grade 15.
Above: Images from "Stolen Car Descent Route". a)
Adrian's belay, consisting of small gear in the undercling flake. b)
Looking down pitch one to the car wrecks below. c) Adrian placing a nut
before the crux of pitch two.
you want to clip bolts, move a few metres right an do pitch one of "Clown
Town" (pictured below right), grade 19, of which
P1 isn't hard. Head up past 5 bolts to some handy double rings at the 18m
mark, from where you can just rap back down. The pitch is well protected
and very fun, though broken by a ledge strewn with dirt and leaves. The
crux move is probably moving off this midway ledge.
Right: Me belaying atop of pitch one of "Clown
Town" (pictured right).
Also at the base, just to the left of "Stolen
Car Descent Route", you'll find "Wussle Slowe" the 35m
grade 20, with three bolts. The guide gives it a star, and our Kent
reports the lead as "rather run out, thin slab
climbing on small edges. The equal crux's are directly after clipping the
first bolt and exiting the final flake".
Significantly further left again, on a smooth black
wall, the start of which resides upon a raised ledge you'll find Kent's
latest creation, a bolted line called, "The Alan Parson's
Project", which is yet to be graded. There is also 2-3 more
ring bolted slab routes on the lower section left out of
the guide. They're like 17 and 19 or something, possibly called "Just
Crusing" and "Clown Town".
The Upper Terrace 
The main upper terrace, running horizontally along
more or less the full width of the crag, contains a collection of steeper,
cleaner and often more sporty routes. These lines are probably the most
popular at the crag, and certainly the easiest to access. Starting on the
right (as you look out at the valley below), you'll find two bolted 15m,
grade 18 slab lines well worth doing. One has three bolts ("Trail
Bike Yobbo Ride On Down"), the other only two ("Platonic").
They both top out at more or less the same spot. You can build a belay
with a length of static running back to the trees. The routes offer
excellent edges and, at least in my opinion, an easy tick for the grade.
Left: The tiger striped wall above the
terrace. Below Right: Bret top roping "Champagne and Novocain",
the 15m grade 21.
Possibly the most fun line on the upper terrace is "Champagne and Novocain",
the 15m grade 21. It can be found on the left (as
you look out at the valley below). A bolt protects the opening face
climbing, then the line enters a short, fingers only, layback crack,
before topping out on a smooth ledge below a set of chains. On top rope
the crux is transitioning from the face to the crack, requiring a slightly
funky move despite the huge jug at the base of the crack. On lead, the
crux would probably be placing gear whilst negotiating the crack/smooth
ledge top out. I haven't lead it myself, though it's on my tick list.
To the right and left, along the terrace are several
more bolted lines including a couple of grade 24's and some new lines that
aren't even in the old guide book. I haven't much familiarity with these
routes having only climbed this area a hand full of times. Hopefully after
a some return visits I'll have more pictures and info. Meanwhile if anyone
with local knowledge would like to contribute to this page, please feel
free to drop me an email. In
summary, Warragul Rocks is well worth the drive, offering both taller
adventure climbs and bolted sport routes. There aren't a great number
routes compared to other crags, but what's there is sufficient to warrant
more than one day trip. Climb safe and have fun!
Above Left: A real climber (lizard), shows us up by free soloing.
Reader's Feedback 
Dave Barnes:
This is not a bad place, I enjoyed
hanging out there in the late 90's quite a bit. Some info on some
climbs [FA's] we did...
Clown Town
A three pitch route, well
protected, extensively cleaned. Good positions and a fair addition to
this place. It's located 15m L of Let's Go Latin...[Double
rings are at the] top
of pitch one of CT which finish on the same ledge as LGL. You will notice
that the BR's on clown town are Stainless Steel while the LGL are old and
rusty! Pitch one has about five BR's and is 19. Pitch Two, 16. Goes up
L from the chain passing BR to a traverse L for 4m and a BR. Then up some
cracks to a traverse R, BR to semi hanging belay on small ledge, good
natural pro. Pitch Three, 14 is an easy stroll. Out from the belay cave
on L swing into this huge horizontal crack, then straight up a cleaner
line passing a BR to a small headwall. BR. The BR is on the lip
protecting the only hard bit and then up to ledge passing one more manky
BR to final headwall. Lots of Friends to belay. Recommended.
If you want, do what we would do...From
the final belay on CT, set up a rap directly down to chain at end of first
pitch of CT. It is approx 42m to this point. Then thread the chain and
get to ground. It saved the walk down, gives you a look around and you
have a ready made belay to finish on at the end of the day! If you have
not got enough gear for that there was a huge gum tree near edge just to
the R (facing wall). It will do the same trick.
Just Cruising 17
The other route down there I did was Just Cruising. All enjoy it and it
probably is up there for a must do for the bottom wall, I am biased though
I suppose. Extensive cleaning went into this safe middle grade route.
Starts 10m R of SCDR (that's the route isn't it?, you know the dirty
corner thing) at a little seem. Up this, small RP at the top and then
traverse L passing BR to BR on SCDR. Up this for a few metres to base of
corner. Go R onto headwall, BR then over this passing 2 more BR to belay
as for SCDR. Pitch Two: Avoid the shitty last pitch of SCDR and head R
out of the belay to a wire placement in flake then up the steepening wall,
easier then it looks, BR then on wards to headwall. Follow this R to you
can surmount it and belay in corner of top wall.
We just jump on the established rope
again to the R and rap back down for more. Doing it this way we could do
8-9 pitches in a day! Now that's fun. We did a couple more routes up
there but I would have to look back on notes to remember what they were.
Have fun up there, watch out for those yobbo rock throwing 4WDers. Oh I
remember those routes at the top tier of the cliff, the ones on the R.
They were all easier than the grades suggested, hence the 18's were like
16's. It really should have a couple of DBB to save the long walk back to
some of the tree's. That's enough.
From Will Monks:
Clown Town
CT is definitely not 90m - you can rap
off its top rings all the way to the bottom with a single strand 60m rope
and I led the whole route in one 58m pitch. However I must admit on pitch
2 I went directly up from the first bolt and didn't traverse 4m L to a 2nd
BB and cracks like Dave describes (or 7m L like the guide says - I didn't
read it very closely before heading up it!!! :). Going straight up was
equal crux and pretty bold slabbing (facing 5-8m ledge fall) ...but it was
the obvious direct line and I didn't even notice the cracks out left. With
the traversing the route length would get up to at least 62m (as per the
guide). Anyway my point is it's definitely not 90m!! :)
Platonic 15m 18
There's now double carrots above Platonic (which also service Trail
Bike Yobbo if you move left at the top). They're right on the edge
(because that's where the only exposed rock is) so probably best to set up
an anchor, lower off and belay from the ground, then retrieve your anchor
from above.
Climbs At Warragul Rocks 
Name |
Height |
Grade |
Stars |
Platonic |
15 |
18 |
Trail Bike Yobbo Ride On Down |
15 |
18 |
Spinal Tap |
15 |
18 |
Afternoon Delight |
8 |
16 |
Broken Beer Bottles And Bastards |
10 |
12 |
Dead Socks |
10 |
15 |
Champagne & Novocain |
15 |
21 |
1 |
Too Much Fandango |
17 |
M2 |
Boys Will Be Boys |
15 |
24 |
Vernon Gaylord |
10 |
24 |
Snail Ride |
10 |
16 |
Fringe Benefit |
20 |
20 |
Fracture Round |
28 |
22 |
Terra Los Trundle |
20 |
17 |
False Yawn |
26 |
21 |
Wussle Slowe |
35 |
20 |
1 |
Stolen Car Descent Route |
75 |
15 |
Let's Go Latin |
50 |
20 |
The Alan Parson's Project |
? |
? |
Just Cruising |
? |
17 |
Clown Town |
62 |
19 |
Further Reading:
Victoria - A rock climbing guide, edited by Michael Hampton,
Robin Holmes, Paul Martin & Others, and available from local
climbing shops, or the VCC.
Seymour.org.au - For Tallarook
State Forest information.
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