Members Contributions:

Photos By Neil Monteith

Above Left: Neil Monteith on
Psychotic Episode (26) Photo Kathy Dicker.
Above Middle: Nick McKinnon on Damage Done
(24). Above Right: Neil Monteith on the FFA of Winged Corpse (26).

Above Left: Nick McKinnon on the FFA of Left Hand Black (23). Above
Middle & Right: Nick McKinnon on Killer Wolf (21).

Above Left: Nick McKinnon works the Compressor Route (27).
Above Right: Tim Storey does the second ascent of Devilled Haircut (25),
Centurion Walls, Grampians in perfect winter conditions.

Above Left: Malcolm Matheson does the trad traverse
classic of Stone Temptress (22). Above Middle: Michael gets massively pumped on the sustained trad
route of 'Stone Temptress' grade 22. Above Right: Catherine de Vaus on
the recently rebolted Sandpit (20).
Photos By Tim Le

Above: Chris Abernethy on his on-sight of Left Hand Black
Photos By Micheal O'Reilly

Above Left: Robin Holmes on
Afterworld (23)
Photos By James Pfrunder

Further Reading:
Centurion Wall Gallery - From Neil Monteith's web site.
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