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Burnley bouldering walls reset working bee |
13-Dec-2012 1:52:57 AM
There will be a route reset working bee on Saturday 15th December at the Burnley Bouldering Walls, starting 9am. We have route setters, but we need volunteers to help strip, carry and wash the holds. Let us know if you can help out for a couple of hours.
Please note - The walls will be closed while route setting is in progress.
13-Dec-2012 12:19:40 PM
I can get there early and help out. It's some of my chalk and skin I'll be washing off anyway. : )
14-Dec-2012 2:06:42 PM
< bump >
There must be a few Burnley wall climbers on here, who can come and help out?
Just imagine new routes with clean holds, must be worth a bit of your time!
14-Dec-2012 2:21:53 PM
Gramps is looking a touch wet, so might now be there!
14-Dec-2012 3:41:44 PM
does it clash with another vcc event supporting a Brunswick incarnation?
14-Dec-2012 6:10:33 PM
Clashes with moving house and the other VCC event. Sorry.
14-Dec-2012 6:35:25 PM
On 14/12/2012 bones wrote:
>does it clash with another vcc event supporting a Brunswick incarnation?
Burnley 9am - 1pm, Brunswick 2pm - 6pm. A fun filled day!
(you don't have to stay the whole time for both events, if you don't want to)
24-Dec-2012 11:58:48 PM
Bit of a late report, but here we are: The working bee on Saturday 15th December went very well. Starting at 9am a total of 22 volunteers turned up through out the day, to completely strip walls 2 and 3, and partially strip wall 1 of its oldest routes. Holds were crated and taken up to the park tap for washing, with Tristan Wardley doing a great job on the jet hose.
Fortunately the sun came out which helped with drying the holds.

Toby Pola had gathered a group of setters, and they started putting up new routes from mid morning.

Route setting Wall #2.

Phil Goebel brought along a set of new holds donated by Hardrock Climbing Gym, which were gratefully received and used for a new problem on the right side of wall #3.

Route setting Wall #3.

By late afternoon there were half a dozen routes back on each of the walls. More to be added in the coming weeks. A big thanks to all the volunteers who gave their time, and made it a very successful working bee. We now have some new and Clean routes (for a while!).
25-Dec-2012 12:07:49 AM
Unfortunately I couldn't make it to Brunswick for 'Seize the Day' after the working bee, but apparently a respectable 80 or so signatures were collected on the day.