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Grampians road and campground closures |
17-Jan-2011 3:46:44 PM
Do any of you fine folk know whether the 4x4 track accessing the Fortress (Victoria Range) from the south east, off Victoria Valley Road near Red Hill road is open?
It's a seasonal track, due to be opened for the summer around Melbourne Cup time, but with all this rain...
17-Jan-2011 3:55:19 PM
I highly highly doubt it would be. Since most of the 'good' roads in the Grampians are closed from (ongoing) flood damage then that probably means that poxy 4x4 road is probably totally washed out. At least keep away from it for a month to let things dry out.
17-Jan-2011 4:06:59 PM
All roads in the Victoria Valley were already closed because of flood damage before the heavy rain last Friday so they are going to be even more closed now.
17-Jan-2011 4:15:18 PM
And with the Grampians closed perhap's Dalai's old stamping ground of Prufrock (Dundas Range) would be worth a visit - if it hasn't washed away.
17-Jan-2011 4:15:50 PM
Given that the entire Grampians is currently closed, I'd imagine this means the risk assessors have to go through bit by bit and decide what's safe and what's not. I cannot see this getting done by this weekend - especially with more rain due to hit Horsham.
We may have to prepare ourselves for the horrid possibility of the Grampians being closed for several weekends in a row.
17-Jan-2011 4:20:23 PM
On 17/01/2011 Organ Pipe wrote:
>Do any of you fine folk know whether the 4x4 track accessing the Fortress
>(Victoria Range) from the south east, off Victoria Valley Road near Red
>Hill road is open?
Before Parks Vic changed the status of the Grampians to be "completely closed" (ie when it was a list of roads and campgrounds that were closed) I'm pretty sure I saw the Fortress listed as one of the inaccessibles. Anyway - regardless - the entire Grampians is shut now anyhow. So be default, Fortress is a no go zone.
17-Jan-2011 4:28:32 PM
That road is usually in pretty bad shape in the best of times. I can't see how it would have survived considering the photos i've seen of the bitumen roads in the park!
17-Jan-2011 4:49:55 PM
On 17/01/2011 kieranl wrote:
>And with the Grampians closed perhap's Dalai's old stamping ground of Prufrock
>(Dundas Range) would be worth a visit.
You get dragged somewhere once and do a few routes as you have driven all that way anyway and that makes it a stomping ground?
I definitely wouldn't be uttering it in the same sentence at the Fortress... ;-)
17-Jan-2011 5:02:50 PM
On 17/01/2011 dalai wrote:
>On 17/01/2011 kieranl wrote:
>>And with the Grampians closed perhap's Dalai's old stamping ground of
>>(Dundas Range) would be worth a visit.
>You get dragged somewhere once and do a few routes as you have
>driven all that way anyway and that makes it a stomping ground?
There's no escaping fate :)
17-Jan-2011 5:52:15 PM
That road was already closed from the december rains, if it ever actually opened at all this summer - when we drove from Jimmy's Ck to Buandik via Dreamtime and Red Rocks in early nov, there was still lots of water and lots of gates. I'd say there's no chance of that road opening this summer now. I'll be happy just to be able to get to red rock road or stapylton by the time i get back from Buffalo. Ecstatic if I can get to Bundaleer and rosea.
17-Jan-2011 6:03:50 PM
Have posted this update also on the Grampians Road and Track report thread - there is also the last report on the overall Grampians road and track report that was sent to me late December and uploaded. Will keep you informed of progress but as has been mentioned, very strong possibility that quite a few of the climbing areas in the Grampians will be out of action for a while.
Saturday 15th January
Grampians National Park - CLOSED
Parks Victoria has closed the Grampians National Park following significant storm and flood damage over the past three days.
Heavy rain and strong winds have caused flooding, major landslides and rocks and trees blocking roads. There is extensive damage to the road and walking track network and to many of the park's visitor sites. These areas are very unstable and extremely dangerous to visitors. Please see the attached photo of one of the many major landslides in the park (Mt Victory Road).
Visitor safety must be the highest priority and it will be some time before Parks Victoria will be able to fully assess the damage and assure the public areas are safe to open again.
As the weather clears, Parks Victoria rangers are working to assess the damage and reopen areas as quickly possible, but only as soon as they are safe for visitors. Long term recovery of park assets, including roads and walking tracks, campgrounds and visitor sites is a priority and has begun.
Community Meeting, Monday 15 January 2011 - There will be a community meeting for the Halls Gap community and all tourism operators at 5pm at the Halls Gap Community Hall. This meeting will provide information on the situation and the various aspects of recovery for the area from agencies. Parks Victoria will provide a briefing on the widespread damage throughout the park and will outline the recovery process for the park.
Little Dessert National Park
Visitors are advised to stay away from Little Desert National Park as roads and tracks are damaged, and the Wimmera River is expected to continue to rise downstream.
18-Jan-2011 8:44:11 AM
Roger that, thanks guys.
I knew it was a long shot, but figured there was a very very slight chance Victoria could still be accessed along the Victoria Valley Road from Woohlpooer.
On 17/01/2011 climbingjac wrote:
>I'm pretty sure I saw the Fortress listed as one of the inaccessibles.
Hey Jac, do you have a URL you can share that lists local closures etc? I can see on the Parks Vic Gramps page the overall 'park closed' status, but you mentioned more detailed information.
Either way I'll remove the Gramps from my summer plans this year.
18-Jan-2011 10:08:02 AM
Hi OrganPipe
It's the parks vic link i gave. It normally lists invidual road closures and campground closures. But they've overwritten that with "overall closure". Keep an eye on the page and it'll eventually revert back to itemised closures.
The Vicroads site will give road closures, but pretty sure it's only for sealed roads.
18-Jan-2011 10:26:06 AM
On 18/01/2011 climbingjac wrote:
>The Vicroads site will give road closures, but pretty sure it's only for
>sealed roads.
Vicroads will include unsealed roads where they are vicroads or council roads but they won't cover park roads that are the responsibility of Parks Vic. In practice, for the Grampians its the sealed access roads so : Vic Valley Road, Roses Gap Road, Grampians Road, Silverband falls road among others. The real pain is that roads are grouped according to region and then according to which group is responsible for it.
18-Jan-2011 10:30:14 AM
18-Jan-2011 10:37:09 AM
Pretty lame TV story. If they say it looks like a lake I expect to see some pictures showing the lake thingy - not a powerpoint telling me it looks like a lake.
18-Jan-2011 11:12:13 AM
Some pics and footage of Horsham here;
18-Jan-2011 11:37:44 AM
Incredible photos, thanks for posting. After 13 years of below average rainfall, this is a tragic and amazing change in weather.
18-Jan-2011 3:31:40 PM
The latest update just sent: 18th Jan
Grampians National Park is Closed
The Grampians National Park is closed and Parks Victoria has begun assessing damage following significant storm and flood damage following heavy rain and strong winds. Considerable damage has been caused by flooding, landslides, and fallen rocks and trees.
Parks Victoria is working with other agencies and authorities such as VicRoads, to provide access to the park as soon as possible, but visitors should be aware of the magnitude of the task.
Visitor safety must be the highest priority and it will be some time before Parks Victoria is able to assure the public that areas have been made safe and can be opened.
However, we are working very hard to get several tracks and visitor destinations open quickly, particularly with Australia Day next week. Some walks close to Halls Gap, destinations north of Roses Gap and walks in the southern area of the Grampians will be a priority.
Damage to roads, tracks and park infrastructure has been extensive. Access roads and the wider gravel road network are severely damaged. These roads can be expected to remain closed for some time.
VicRoads manages a number of access roads in the park and is assessing the damage. Specific roads damage includes the Dunkeld to Halls Gap Road (including two bridges at Fyans Creek), the Mount Victory Road (closed by a collapse at Epacris Falls and substantial landslides), and Silverband Falls Road, which has been closed by landslides and collapses at many points.
As the park is closed, the walking tracks are also closed. Specifically, the walking track network within the Wonderland Range, including the Pinnacle and Silverband Walking tracks, also the Balconies, MacKenzie Falls are also closed. There is extensive damage to the walking track from Halls Gap to the Wonderland Car Park which includes the Venus Baths walk.
Infrastructure damage will be assessed after mud, logs and rocks are cleared.
Other damage includes: In the Mt William area, two large walking bridges on Sheep Hills Track have been completely destroyed and washed downstream; walking bridges at Mackenzie Falls and Zumstein; the Zumstein picnic ground and Jimmy Creek campground. It is likely that there is major infrastructure loss between Rosea car park to Silverband Falls Car Park.
The Brambuk National Park and Cultural Centre and Halls Gap are open for business. The lakes surrounding the Grampians are looking spectacular and there is still plenty to do in the Grampians Region. Please advise visitors to visit a local visitor centre where staff can provide them with information on the many activities and attractions.
3-Feb-2011 8:44:17 PM
Hi all,
Latest update just received. The regular road and track report I usually update on another thread is still not up and running yet. What I was also supplied with was a colour coded map which makes it quite easy to immediately see what roads are open and how areas will and won't be accessible. Its not on the PV website as yet(sure it will be soon) so have uploaded it to the VCC website Below are the updates, pretty much the same as last week.
Walking Tracks
Walks near Halls Gap
Boronia Peak, Chatauqua Peak (east side only), Clematis Falls
and the Fyans Creek Loop.
Northern Grampians
Hollow Mountain, Flat Rock to Mt Stapylton, Mt Stapylton
Loop, Mt Zero, Heatherlie Quarry, Beehive Falls, Briggs Bluff,
Gulgurn Manja and Ngamadjidj Shelters.
Southern Grampians
Mt Sturgeon and the Piccaninny
Campgrounds Open
Plantation and *Stapylton Campgrounds.
* Please note that access to Stapylton Campground is via
Plantation Road from Northern Grampians Road.
Also: private campgrounds surrounding the Park.
Roads Open
Main roads into Halls Gap and Wartook
Grampians Road to Lake Bellfield Picnic Area
Mt Zero Road (Halls Gap to Mt Zero)
Plantation Road
Flat Rock Road
Roses Gap Road - between the Western Highway and
Roses Gap Recreation Centre (Beehive Falls carpark is
Please take care in these open areas While walking tracks and roads in the above areas will be open, visitors are advised that the maintenance standard may be less than normal or expected. Park staff have taken much care to ensure that risk issues have been minimised,
however hazards may still be present and visitors are advised to proceed with caution.
Roads may appear in reasonable condition, but many have corrugations, soft edges and are still very wet. Please be cautious around road edges and drive slowly.
There is widespread damage throughout the park that includes unstable boulders, soil and trees. Park staff and Vicroads are working hard to assess the damage.It is important that visitors stay away from these areas as they remain very unstable and could move again, especially after further rain. Access roads and the wider gravel road network are severely damaged. These roads are expected to remain closed for some time.
Road Closures
Northern Grampians Road (Mt Victory Road) from Halls
Gap to Wartook
Grampians Tourist Road (Lake Bellfield Picnic Area to Dunkeld)
Roses Gap Road (West of Roses Gap Recreation Centre)
Silverband Road
All seasonal roads in the Northern Grampians
Pohlner Road (Roses Gap Road - Northern Grampians Road)
Pohlner Link Track (Pohlner Road - Mt Zero Picnic Area)
Coppermine Track
Walking Track and Site Closures
All Wonderland walks (including Venus Baths and the
Mackenzie Falls Walks and Zumstein Area
Balconies and Reeds Lookout
All walks in the Victoria Valley, Victoria Range (Western
Grampians), Mt William Range, Mafeking and Mt Abrupt.
Mt Difficult and Tilwinda Falls walking tracks
All remote overnight hikes in the Grampians National
Park (including the Mt Difficult, Major Mitchell Plateau, Fortress
& Wonderland hikes)
Campground Closures
Jimmy Creek, Wannon Crossing, Borough Huts, Boreang,
Buandik, Strachans, Smiths Mill, Bomjinna and Troopers
Creek Campgrounds.