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Grampians road and campground closures |
7-Apr-2011 8:44:14 PM
So can I get to Eureka wall? Or is that at the end of one of the roads that has been closed?
7-Apr-2011 9:48:27 PM
On 7/04/2011 rb wrote:
>So can I get to Eureka wall? Or is that at the end of one of the roads
>that has been closed?
Definitely closed.
7-Apr-2011 11:33:08 PM
Don't forget that your pushy doesn't have number plates! No plates, no way for a ranger to identify whom to fine.
Not that I would condone the 20 minute ride from the tar to the Eureka Wall parking lot. No sir, that might endanger access, and the insurance may not pay for roads, and parks will go broke, and it'll cause fires, and what about the rock wallabies? Don't you realise how DANGEROUS it would be to ride a bike down a road which hasn't been assessed?
7-Apr-2011 11:38:36 PM
On 6/04/2011 nmonteith wrote:
> I don't want to be driving around with
>random drunk idiots on bikes swerving in front of me.
That's bullshit Neil! Drink riding is a perfectly reasonable way to get home from the pub when you're too pissed to drive. The only person likely to get hurt is the one who made a drunken decision to treadle. Do you think they fine pissed cyclists in europe? Its nanny state nonsense.
8-Apr-2011 1:39:26 AM
On 7/04/2011 Wendy wrote:
>On 7/04/2011 nmonteith wrote:
>>I think Chalk is Cheap is after Muline/Millenium/Gallery style caves.
>I forgot to mention the Olive Cave.
Could someone please volunteer to sort out the hunstman spider situation at the Olive Cave? I fancy visiting it, but all this business about large huntsmans residing in the holds is very undesirable.....
8-Apr-2011 7:44:43 AM
On 7/04/2011 One Day Hero wrote:
>That's bullshit Neil! Drink riding is a perfectly reasonable way to get
>home from the pub when you're too pissed to drive. The only person likely
>to get hurt is the one who made a drunken decision to treadle. Do you think
>they fine pissed cyclists in europe? Its nanny state nonsense.
I just think cycists need to make the decision if they want to be classed as 'traffic' or as 'pedestrians'. Both come with advantages and disadvantages. If cyclists want to ride on the roads with lots of traffic then they need to follow road rules - ie stop at traffic lights, one way streets, lights on at night - and surprise surprise - drink driving. And as a typical hypocrite I should say as a cyclist i tend to ignore all of them occasionally. But im more than happy to pay the fine without complaint if I was caught.
20-Apr-2011 1:12:34 PM
On 25/03/2011 access t wrote:
>Although the opening for much of the Vic Range area roads is targetted
>for Easter, I am awaiting on a response to the progress of it and some
>other areas, so will fill you in hopefully in the next day or so.
Hi Tracey,
Apologies if I've failed to see the update on this one... just wondering if any of the VicRange will be open for Easter? (And if not if there is any forecast for when it might be open?)
20-Apr-2011 1:21:22 PM
Hi Jac,
I am hoping to hear back some time today. I unfortunately couldn't make the update meeting at the Grampians last Tuesday. From my last basic information much of the Vic Range weren't going to be open now for Easter but I want to talk to the Head Ranger to get a little more detail on it. Will let you know as soon as I can.
20-Apr-2011 1:33:08 PM
Thanks heaps Tracey!
21-Apr-2011 9:15:31 AM
HI All,
As noted in previous post, those areas that we were hoping to be open for Easter around the Vic Range area will not be open. There is a link below which will give you the park update which also has a map with colour coded roads as to what is open and what is not. A little further information I received from the Head Ranger ;
" Engineers have now completed all assessments across the Victoria range and Victoria Valley areas and are preparing contractor documentation so we can commence the roading repairs and works. These 2 areas will be first cab of the rank as they can be sorted out quickly once funding is received.
Areas around Mt Rosea, Mt William, Mt Abrupt and the Serra range will be a while off yet.
We appreciate that superficially the tracks may look ok, but engineer advice is that any substantial traffic on these tracks will cause long term damage to the road structure and cause a further need to keep the roads closed for longer periods.
MacKenzies Falls Car park, Wartook Res, Reeds L/O and Boroka L/O are all scheudled to be open by the end of April 2011."
Noted at the bottom of the Park update that was sent to me: It is also important that visitors understand that 80% of the park is still closed and the Park will be extremely busy in the areas that are open. Additional Parks Victoria rangers will be working over the weekend to provide advice, service facilities, enforce closures and help manage busy carparks.
So I hope this all helps with your planning. Sorry that it couldn't be better news.
26-Jun-2011 8:55:28 AM
Hey Tracey,
So we're a wee while past Easter now, and the PV website suggests that very little seems to have changed since I left. How's it looking? I'm really psyched to put my new found ridiculously steep climbing form into practice at the Gallery and Muline when i get back! Not to mention a long overdue trip to Passport.
26-Jun-2011 9:57:05 AM
On 26/06/2011 Wendy wrote:
>I'm really psyched to put my new found ridiculously steep climbing form into
>practice at the Gallery and Muline when i get back! Not to mention a long
>overdue trip to Passport.
Are you planning on doing a Nyrie Dodd style ascent of Passport, or returning because you just enjoy the lower pitch offwidth that much?
26-Jun-2011 3:22:15 PM
Wendy is going to send the crux pitch using only her feet
26-Jun-2011 10:12:23 PM
That'd be a novel way of avoiding getting pumped.
I am actually going to take a leaf out of Nyrie's book though - I tried the barefoot method on the replica just before I left. I was cynical. How could barefeet get so much further in the crack as to be worth the pain? Still, I figured she did it for a reason, so I taped my feet up and shoved them in and it's actually heaps better! So barefoot ascent, here I come. Although, is it really an ascent when it's a downward leaning roof?
27-Jun-2011 12:31:01 PM
Hi Wendy,
Well depends on when you are returning as to whether you can put your super steep climbing skills to the test. Later is probably better than sooner :)
Last discussion with PV ascertained that while the roads in the Vic Range area are starting to be worked on, the timeline for this now looks like it will be July/August. There have been some holdups and issues with the compliance side of things. When they do open, it is more than likely that some sections of the roads may only have room enough for one lane with some damaged areas being barriered off. This is the best option in order to have the roads open before all work has been complete.
Just received a roads update today - you can see that on the road and track report thread. Wish it was better news.
22-Dec-2011 12:05:01 PM
does anyone have the most up todate closure map?
22-Dec-2011 12:41:24 PM
I notice the last one is dated tomorrow! Advance warning! Of particular note, it has stoney creek road open to Rosea Track - that means Bundaleer is accessible! (Does little dance of excitement around the room).
22-Dec-2011 11:46:53 PM
I can hear your excitement from here Wendy! If you venture out that way, do report back and let us know if the climbs over there are a whole new situation post-fires. Haven't been to Bundaleer in ages but my understanding is the faces "exfoliated"
23-Dec-2011 10:36:54 AM
On 22/12/2011 climbingjac wrote:
>I can hear your excitement from here Wendy! If you venture out that way,
>do report back and let us know if the climbs over there are a whole new
>situation post-fires. Haven't been to Bundaleer in ages but my understanding
>is the faces "exfoliated"
Hi Jac,
There are some old threads on here(would take me too long to find them. I'm sure someone else could do it....) at the time we did inspections and work on Bundaleer after the fires explaining about any impact. Except for a few sections on cliff rock around some base areas there was no real change to any climbs. Still as lovely as ever to climb. Also little impact to the Bundaleer area after the floods. Previous work we did, held up well.
Recent updates on Gramps and Bundaleer here:
23-Dec-2011 10:37:59 AM
Jac, I went to Bundaleer and Rosea in that all to brief period between fire closures and flood closures, and I don't recollect any massive change in the rock - just any reference to tree anchors should be taken with a grain of salt now!