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Latest Road and Track reports for Grampians. |
9-Mar-2012 12:10:34 PM
Hi All,
Latest flood recovery update as below. Just showing the closures. To download a copy of the colour coded map see here
Overall track report should be through later.
Hollow Mountain Walking Track reopen Tuesday 5 March
The Grampians Flood Recovery crew will be reopening the Hollow Mountain walking track tomorrow after four weeks of construction works. Crews have installed new timber steps and approximately 400m of the walking track has been lifted to reinstate the track surface to above ground level.
Coppermine Road Reopened
Road crews have repaired the large washout on the road between Coppermine bushcamp and Mt Zero Road.
Road & Track Closures
Silverband Road (Silverband Falls Carpark to Sundial
Road turnoff)
Glenelg River Road (Boreang Campground to Mt Victory
Stony Creek Road (Rosea Track to Rosea Carpark)
Henham Track
Mitchell Road
Redmans Track
Mount William Picnic Ground Road
Emmetts Road
Mafeking Road
Syphon Road (From Glenelg River Road to Sawmill Track)
Moora Track
Fields Track
Rosea Track
Homestead Track
Oslers Track
Mt Cassel Track
Chinamans Track
Sanders Track
Campground & Site Closures
Bomjinna Campground
Kalymna Falls Picnic Area
Golton Gorge Picnic Area
Zumstein Area
Walking Track Closures
Wonderland Loop (Halls Gap to Wonderland Carpark)
Venus Baths
Splitters Falls
Mount Rosea
MacKenzie Falls River Walk
Zumstein Area (All walks)
Tower Hill
Bomjinna Track (From Bomjinna Campground to Mt
William Carpark)
Brownings Loop (Mafeking)
Golton Gorge Loop
Tilwinda Falls
Major Mitchell Plateau
Wonderland remote overnight hikes.
18-Jul-2012 11:00:25 AM
update for 13/7/12
16-Oct-2012 11:48:06 AM
Just in from Parks :
Grampians National Park Flood Recovery Update 16 October 2012
Parks Victoria is happy to announce that road repair works are set to commence within the Grampians National Park. These roads were damaged during the Storm and Flood Event of January 2011.
After working through a challenging process, onground works are to commence on 16 October 2012. These works will repair damaged roads, restore and improve drainage, implement new structures at landslips, and ensure long term serviceability. Importantly, these works will restore visitor access to many roads that have been closed since January 2011.
Services South east have been awarded the contract to undertake works within the Victoria Valley Roading Package. They will commence work within the Grampians on Tuesday 16 October 2012.
The roads included in this package are:
Asses Ears Road Boundary Track Bullawin Road
Glenelg River Road Greens Creek Road Hines Track
Homestead Track Jensens Road Lodge Road
Phillip Island Track Red Hill Road Rosea Track
Sawmill Track Serra Road Syphon Road
Wallaby Rocks Track Castle Rock Track Henham Track South
Stony Creek Road
The Moora Sidecut will also be completed as part of this Roading Package. This section of the Glenelg River Road has been closed since January 2011.
Completion of this package is expected to take ten weeks. (The week prior to Christmas)
Miller Contractors have been awarded the contract to undertake works within the Kalymna / Wannon Roading Package. They are expected to commence work within the Grampians on Monday 22 October 2012.
The roads included in this package are:
Cassidy Gap Road Emmett Road Fields Track
Griffin Track Jimmy Creek Road Lynchs Crossing Track
Lynchs Track Mafeking Road Mount Cassell Track
Mt William Picnic Ground Road Redman Road Serra Range Track
Seven Dials Track Spears Road Stockyard Track
Yarram Gap Road Yarram Park Road Moyston West Road
Kalymna Falls Track Mitchell Road
Completion of this package is expected to take ten weeks (Early January 2013).
All gated roads will remain closed until contractors have completed repair works. They will be immediately opened upon completion of repairs.
Please note: Roads that are currently open to visitors may be closed temporarily to allow repair works to be undertaken safely. Drivers are advised to watch for signs and visit Brambuk the National Park and Cultural Centre or a local Visitor Information Centre for up to date road information.
22-Oct-2012 7:53:47 PM
Fortress Reopened.
This advice below just received from Parks Vic (oh, and take a look at the last paragraph) :
Grampians National Park Flood Update Monday 22 October
The Major Mitchell Plateau and Fortress remote over-night walking tracks in the Grampians National Park are now open for the fit and adventurous walker. The walking tracks were badly damaged after the major flood and storm event in 2011. Extensive recovery works were needed to re-open the popular walking tracks. The Plateau is located in the eastern remote sub alpine area of the Mt William Range and the Fortress area is in the Victoria Range on the Western side of the Grampians.
To access the Major Mitchell Plateau
The Plateau will be accessible from the Mt William Car Park through to Jimmys Creek camp ground. Access via Kalymna Falls will be available on completion of roading works associated with the Mt William Picnic Ground Road. These works have commenced and are expected to be completed within 3months.
Access to Mt William from Bomjinna Camping Ground will no longer be provided due to extensive damage on the walking track. The decision has been made to relocate all facilities from Bomjinna Camp Ground to the former Mt Williams Picnic Ground camping area to service Kalymna Falls and access to the Plateau.
Please see the attached information regarding the walks and please note that when walking the Major Mitchell Plateau, Fortress or the Mt Difficult remote areas, walkers must register their intention at Brambuk the National Park and Cultural Centre in Halls Gap phone: 03 53614000.
13-Dec-2012 6:24:38 PM
Hi All,
Latest flood recovery update can be seen here on the CliffCare site as well as the latest road and track report. Can't cut and paste from their new format anymore so have uploaded only to CliffCare.
From PV's opening blurb _
Grampians National Park Update 13 December 2012
Opening of Silverband and Stony Creek Roads
Thanks to the magnificent works from VicRoads, the Silverband Road was reopened on Wednesday. With this road now open, access to Stony Creek Road from Silverband is now available. However the Rosea Walking Track and the walking tracks in the Dellys Dell area will remain closed until works are completed.
Flood recovery works have been completed on many roads in the Victoria Valley, with Henham Track now open to the public.
1-May-2013 1:00:15 PM
Tracey, are you able to take up the cause to get access to Eastern Wall (Peking Face, Burma wall etc) reinstated?
I'll tell you about my Saturday morning as background. This is going to sound like a rant, so apologies, but some of the information might be useful to others.
I hadn't been to Eastern Wall since one hot day-trip with Craig Nottle in the 80's. But it makes the Select Guide, and others, and looked worth a visit. Plus we had views of it from Rosea the day before, to pique our interest.
We weren't sure how far the Stony Creek Rd extension was open (there's a gate just past the Bundaleer car park) so (on advice) we went the long way around to Boreang Campground and tried to come in that way (I think it's the Moora track).
Unfortunately there's now a new gate within 50m of the Glenelg River rd that wasn't marked on my map (which isn't that old), with "management vehicles" or "seasonal closure". There was evidence someone had been driving around the gate, but more recently steel posts had been added to block access completely.
So we drove a few more km out of our way, around to Henham track which also had an (unmarked) gate and more steel posts. Parking at either one of these gates would have added perhaps 8-9km of walking (round trip) which has the same effect as putting the area off-limits. But read on.
We'd basically given up, but since we were going to head back towards Halls Gap, the Stoney Creek Rd was a short side-trip so we thought we'd check that option. Bumped into Ro and Peter at the Bundaleer car park for a chat. We kept going and were delighted to find the gate was open. A bit of ground clearance was needed at times but the road was in pretty good condition, and we thought we were home and hosed. What could go wrong?
At Tower Hill, however, there's another gate. This one says the Rosea Track is closed temporarily to vehicles and walkers due to the reintroduction of the brush-tailed rock wallaby.
Now, we'd have parked the car and walked in from there (maybe adding 6km round-trip?), if it was just a simple road closure but the reason was enough to deter us. I vaguely recalled something being posted on Chockstone but we were unable to find anything online at the time (poor reception didn't help). Subsequently I've done some research and add the following comments:
1. If the first two signs had mentioned the reason for the closure we would have given up earlier.
2. Information is surprisingly hard to come by, the Cliffcare site for example doesn't list the Eastern Wall closure under the current Grampians page. Also it's impractical to access this info via mobile phone. Can I suggest the Cliffcare site adds a simple "closure summary" under the Grampians?
3. It was clear there has been recent vehicle access to the area despite the gates.
4. In checking old posts about this issue, the area was closed in 2008, and the last post on that thread was December 2008. How long do those wallabies take to breed? When can we expect a "temporary" closure to end?
5. & is it really still necessary to limit foot traffic to what is, after all, a road? And is there any real justification for banning foot access to the area on a long-term basis after the wallabies have become established?
regards & smiles.
1-May-2013 1:44:23 PM
Hi Steve,
Just noticed your post. Can't give you any real solid info at this stage obviously but I will make some enquiries as it recently came up in conversation with PV staff re the wallabies. I do know that unfortunately they are not doing so well for a variety of reasons. As far as how long do they need to breed - a long enough time I suppose that shows they are doing well. Reintroduction is not an exact science and while you think that you might be very careful and do everything right not to disturb them or impact their site, you are not the only one by a long shot that would access the area. And numbers always make a difference. Some of the stories and events I hear that park users get up to really makes the mind boggle. Perhaps it might be something that can be worked around and I will look into it, but I would really hope that climbers as well as other park users would allow the creatures the biggest chance they could. Considering the fact that the wallabies have such a small area to themselves whereas we have quite a few areas at our disposal to partake of our leisure activities.
Could be a variety of reasons for many of the things you are mentioning re signs and gates. Along with the option of the signage not necessarily being well thought out, there is also the option (and this happens quite a bit) of signs being removed by park users. Evidence of people going in there could also mean that people are ignoring the closures be driving around the gate(and we all know that happens heaps!) breaking the gate lock(happens heaps). Lots of park users - not just climbers - have no regard and will visit the area if that is where they want to go. To be honest, I know of a few areas that climbers will go to doing exactly as described above. One gate being put there especially as a resolve/compromise for climbers being able to access the area. Unfortunately just because a gate is open, doesn't mean it actually is or has been done so by PV. Often a sign on it though (if not already removed)
Agree with more info needing to be updated on the CliffCare site. I am getting to it bit by bit but with older access stuff it is an especially labour intensive job that also depends on getting updated info from other people. Long process. Things drop off the radar and disappear into the cyberworld. Will take this all on board as always looking at ways of making the information more easily accessible so that the CliffCare site becomes a go to place for up to date access info. We are working on it Steve - it just takes time.
Sorry, I ranted a bit there also offloading a few frustrating issues. All good though.
Vic Range fire climbing reopenings are the issue at hand at the moment and taking up a bit of time. More on this soon.
I will put this on my list along with a couple more possible access issues to revisit.
Cheers and of course, smiles :)
1-May-2013 2:05:42 PM
Thanks Tracey, great response as always.
As you will know from reading some of my posts over the years, I get fairly frustrated with road/area closures in the Grampians. Hence the rant.
In any case I would expect walker-only access should be OK by now. See how your dialogue with Parks goes. Perhaps the whole area doesn't need to be closed, just one specific cliff?
1-May-2013 2:12:53 PM
Hi Steve,
These access issues were posted on the ACA site in 2010 - visible at all levels from which you might drill down to the cliff. . I notice there's nothing on TheCrag sites - I wasn't really using that site at the time. I'll have a look at thsoe tonight.
14-Jul-2013 12:08:41 PM
Under the heading "Brush-tailed wallaby breeding program outfoxed", The Age today reported that the reintroduction project had been put on hold because foxes keep eating the wallabies.
"In November last year, 17 captive-bred wallabies were released into the Grampians, where they had been extinct since the 1990s. By April .. only five were still alive.
.. a total of 39 wallabies have been released .. only seven have survived."
Entire article at
That's pretty expensive fox food. Perhaps banning human trespass was not helping the process?
Sarcasm aside, it would seem appropriate to raise the access issue with Parks when next you're in dialog with them Tracey.
I look forward to revisiting Eastern Wall in spring after a 30-year break.
regards, Steve
29-Nov-2013 10:04:54 AM
Today's Grampians Road Report has the following advice re Red Rock Road access :
"The Parks Victoria staff will work towards grading Red Rock Road and Matthews Track late next week. Once these works have been completed staff will reopen the two roads."
On a related issue, I've heard of people climbing at Weir's Creek recently. The area, and everything else on the Emu's Foot Track, including Eureka Wall and Lost World, is closed because of the fire damage. The soil is very fragile and subject to erosion so please stop going in there.
8-Jan-2014 9:54:32 PM
Latest notes from ParksVic on Victoria Range
Grampians National Park
Fire Recovery Openings and Update Wednesday 8 January 2014
Manja Art Shelter - OPEN
The Manja Art Shelter was unaffected by fire, however the timber boardwalk along the walking track was burnt along half its length. The burnt section has been removed. It will be rebuilt when ground moisture in the immediate area subsides. It is unclear when this is likely to occur although we are hopeful this will take place prior to Easter. As a temporary measure, the unburnt section of boardwalk has been relocated over the wet area allowing visitor access to the art shelter.
Billimina Art Shelter - CLOSED
The Billimina Art Shelter was impacted by fire with the complete destruction of the timber boardwalk adjacent to the art site. In consultation with Traditional Owners, a replacement structure will be installed to provide access to the art site. We are currently discussing the type of structure to be installed with the potential to stone pave the area instead of a timber boardwalk to be more in keeping with the setting of the art site. We aim to have this site re-opened prior to Easter. Please note that the walk to Buandik Falls that follows part of the Billimina walking track is open (see below).
Buandik Falls - OPEN
The walking track to Buandik Falls has been re-opened following repairs to the pedestrian footbridge along the path.
Strachans Campground -CLOSED
Plans are in place to repair and re-open Strachans Campground prior to Easter. Quotes are currently being obtained for the construction of a new toilet facility immediately adjacent to the campground, and for repairs and a subtle upgrade to the campground itself.
Chimney Pots Carpark and Walking Track
The Chimney Pots walking track is open for to visitors. However the Chimney Pots Carpark is currently closed to allow some minor works to take place. Visitors are advised to park along the edge of Glenelg River Road or the entrance to the carpark.
Please note that all other visitor sites, walking tracks and roads in the fire recovery area are open, except for Sawmill Track between Glenelg River Road and Victoria Range Track. This road will remain closed until Strachans Campground is repaired.
8-Jan-2014 10:00:12 PM
>Plans are in place to repair and re-open Strachans Campground prior to Easter. Quotes are currently being obtained for the construction of a new toilet facility immediately adjacent to the campground, and for repairs and a subtle upgrade to the campground itself.
Along with a subtle increase in camping fees as outlined in another thread?
2-May-2014 5:30:42 PM
This from the latest Grampians Road Report :
Matthews Track and Redrock road will be closed from Monday morning {5/5/2014} for the next few weeks to allow road resurfacing works on Redrock Rd to be carried out, Trucks will be bringing in road material via Glenisla Crossing road {Warning signs will be in place}, drivers are urged to take care if travelling in this area.
18-Nov-2014 11:08:47 AM
Having checked the CliffCare website, I'm guessing the answer is 'none of the above', but it's possible there is more up-to-date info...
Can anyone advise whether any of the easy Northern Gramps sport crags (Sundeck / Sungate, Upper / Lower Tribute, The Ravine, etc.) are open?
Thanks in advance.
18-Nov-2014 11:50:29 AM
Yep, not open. All crags accessed via the Hollow Mtn track are still closed, So Amnesty, Sandinista wall and all crags to VD Land are still closed.
The Ravine is not listed as being open, so it isn't.
If you are after easier sport climbing I think that the only option is Dreamtime down south. Plenty of harder sport routes in the Vic Range though- and some great trad climbing too. Dreamtime has enough sport routes at 18 and below for a visit. Easy enough access if the gate is still open.
A Ionger walk, but Weir's Creek in the Vic Range also has some easier routes. But don't climb there within 2 days of rain-the holds are very fragile after rain.
19-Nov-2014 2:31:15 PM
Okay, thanks heaps for that. I was just looking for a gentle, relaxing few days of clipping bolts on easy stuff, but it looks like it might be back to Rosea.
27-Mar-2015 11:42:08 AM
Road-Track Report for 7/03/2015 advises :
The strong winds experienced this week across the park may have brought down trees and limbs across the roads, we will try to get these cleared today but may not get to the more remote areas.
Pohlners road has been graded and reopened. The Northern end of Roses Creek Rd has also been reopened through to Old Mill Rd which is now open between Roses Creek Rd and Boroka Lookout Rd.
27-Mar-2015 11:49:44 AM
On 27/03/2015 kieranl wrote:
>Road-Track Report for 7/03/2015 advises :
>The strong winds experienced this week across the park may have brought
>down trees and limbs across the roads, we will try to get these cleared
>today but may not get to the more remote areas.
Don't worry, the easter yobbos with 4wds chainsaws an winches will consider it firewood for burning their empty beercans and excess puppies on.
27-Mar-2015 12:03:32 PM
I was more thinking of tomorrow when it might be handy to have a bow-saw in the car