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26-Sep-2004 6:44:13 PM
Havanuthago, jonthepom --- it IS a bit tricky, but very do-able !
In the mean-time I'm still trying to decide weatherornot Silvo Karo, (, is ...
>...A hellish roar blasted over the top of Cerro Torre. Rime ice coated their gear. They were disoriented. Both men were cold, but the soul-shearing wind refused to let up or allow them to don extra clothing.
>“The storm was completely crazy,” says Karo. “We couldn’t communicate.”
>Finally, they reached the icefield, which canted west into the full fury of the wind. Television-sized ice blocks torn off the upper reaches of the mountain tumbled through the storm and exploded beside them. Desperate, they traversed right toward the Compressor Route.
>“We had this big idea to make a film, so we were carrying a 16mm movie camera instead of a fourth ice tool,” says Karo. “But it was too windy to use, and too much money to throw away. So I follow with only one tool.”
>Far to the right, Jeglic belayed from two stubby ice screws. Buffeted by the terrible wind, Karo began traversing. “The ice was steep, 70 or 80 degrees,” says Karo, “and I had one wool glove, so I froze it to the ice each time to help me hang on better.” ...
27-Sep-2004 4:05:57 PM
OK --- now what have we here, jon ? --- ropes&carabiners only ... --- sport-climbers from the 1930s ?...--- this thread has gone-all Gaston Rabbit-foot ! --- the fog is thickening...
Hello gfdonc --- surely YOU must hava pic' to get us out of this cyber-blizzard ...
Ferrets ?! --- no-wonda they're called The Pet Shop Boyz ...
Damey --- can you ask me to post a snow-cave piccie for atmosphere, please --- thanx lil' bro...
27-Sep-2004 4:25:53 PM
Hexy, you must be referring to Ghastly Rubberfat, the infamous French mountaineer ..
27-Sep-2004 5:15:26 PM
on 14/12/2003 Hex wrote:
> Around the same time we used to play this game with ferrets, we would put them on speed, take out their teeth and put them in condoms. We would then crank up the Pet Shops Boys and.....
OK we'll leave that one there Hexy, you just wander off for a nice little cyber-snooze. Here's a nice warm cup of #$%$$ the ^%%$!!
While pox head is snoozing, and it will be a deep and lengthy slumber/coma (drink this Hexy!), here are some more photos from a recent party,
and from a ski trip with the lads
Shh, shh.....sleep tight little tiger.......zzzzzzz......zzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzz
From hexy's schoolbook
Hexy wrote on 26/5/1974
>It's hard being Hexy
>It's really hard being me
>All the kids at school point and stare
>And steal my lunch Moneee
>But if I'm a good little
>One day I'll grow up
>on the fringes of societeeeee
Hexy, can you post an ice cave piccie for atmosphere
27-Sep-2004 6:02:45 PM
On 22/09/2004 HEX wrote:
>On 22/09/2004 dalai wrote:
>>as an option to Alt-PrintScreen your whole browser session, try
>>reeware/mwsnap.html, a good freeware screen capture utility.
>>Cheers Martin
>Thanx, bro,dude,luv --- yair stay cool --- we both know that's a little
>in-joke between you 'n' me...--- NOW , can you or anyone else please explain
>how the hell to transfer a quote from one CS thread to e.g. this CS thread
>?! --- got no freakin' idea !!
>Luv HEX...
>OOOOHHHH WOW !!! --- I did it !! --- just practicing, dudes--- nevadonethatbefore---
>virginity--->expert experiences are funky !!!
>now howabout that transfer beta --- anyone ?!
You are confusing me H-T ...
How does your latest request fit with this post from an eon ago? (Us dinosaurs remember back aways!)
G'day Hex-Troll,
To assist me (and possibly others), in better understanding your posts, could you please incorporate the keystroke '>' (without the parenthesis) at the beginning of the line before your quotes.
This triggers the following words to come up in a different colour, (ie quotes).
You do not have to use the 'quote' key to do this, simply copy and paste (as I assume you do from your examples of using many posts/authors within your post), but before you paste, hit the > key on a new line 1st.
>adding colour to your cauldron
& H-T replied;
>A5---Congratulations on making the cauldron ' HIT THE TON ', dude !!!
>As for your ' bogan-level ' comments : try top-steppin' ya mental ' etts' , bro !
Seems like we have gone full circle ?? ... & just when I was getting used to the cryptic element !!
Different topic; ... I notice also (H-T) that every time you reproduce your 'short-story*' it evolves a little further! (*Reference addax waterhole has now made it to the flyon-armina-vice-dreamtime-unshine saga).
Like it !! Nothing wrong with a little 'trad style' embellishment to keep us entertained.
Tel re 'Quiet time' thread;
>Much ado about nothing
Spot on cobber.
Have been out of the loop for a little myself, and second your impression as a result.
... When I get more time I shall have to follow up the Dalai link and educate myself a little more. For now I am just catching up on a zillion posts of much ado about nothing.
retro edit
It was unsuccsessful. Got this instead ...
Search the web for: ","
We didn't find any Web pages containing ",".
Check your spelling.
Try more general words.
Try different words that mean the same thing.
All Rights Reserved, © 2004 MARSFIND.COM
Read our Marsfind Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Further retro edit.
Seems to me that some posts of pictures are distorting the screen layout due to being too large.
.... Now find myself having to scroll sideways to read texts because pictures have blown out the settings?
>OOOOHHHH WOW !!! --- I did it !! --- just practicing, dudes--- nevadonethatbefore---
One day this glA5shopper will get the gist in the summit fog also.
Am reading a Mike B email on html? Lots to digest.
Must be easier than this if H-T can topout on it !!
27-Sep-2004 7:34:30 PM
>...We passed under the Col of Conquest, the site of Cesare Maestri and Toni Egger's disputed 1959 ascent of Cerro Torre and also the final resting place of Egger, who was lost in an avalanche during their descent. A serac released in a nearby couloir, spreading tons of ice onto the glacier below. Beautiful as it was, the base of Cerro Torre seemed an eerie, inhospitable place. I tried not to lose my nerve.
>The snow steepened as we began to climb the approach couloir. The so-called "approaches" to climbs here would be stand-alone routes nearly anywhere else. After I battled past an overhanging bergschrund, we simul-climbed,[thank-you to every-one who contributed to that excellent thread !! ] ,steep snow and easy mixed terrain. We stopped and belayed one long mixed pitch, which Jimmy led efficiently, even though he was feeling the effects of having maxed out on pull-ups the day before. My crampon came off as I seconded the pitch. Just what I needed. I adjusted my crampons as Jimmy began the final pitch in fading light. We simul-climbed up snow, ice, and rock, and finally reached the shoulder. We were on an exposed snow ridge 1/3 of the way up Cerro Torre, and it was past midnight. Time to find a place to pass the night.
>We walked up to the base of the Southeast Ridge, searching for the rumored ice cave. I saw a small crack in the snow, poked my head inside, and couldn't believe what I saw — a natural ice cave big enough to seat 12 people!...
While we wait for the cyber-weather to clear ; for Tel & A5 to come out of their jaded/cynical/un-characteristic-selves ; for Damo & ' the cone-heads ' to come-out of their fag-techno-music-white-powder-rave-thingy --- we might as well get comfy...
>On 2/09/2004 climbau wrote:
> and as A5 is still in a drug induced stupor I can make no sense
>of the ramblings.
>A5 : " Heeey brrooo ..., getyaselfa toke o' dis Go(o)d Buc(k) Tularemia shit maan. It'l cure ya myxo 4shuure! "
A5--- time ta go cold-turkey, bro , cos ya startin' ta sound like one !!
Hang-on a minute ! --- there's still room for a few more punters ... Damo : " Hey Neats !! --- carnjoinus !!! "
UhOh --- look-out--- Tool-of-the-week has just staggered in too ! :
>...Neither knew the Compressor Route, but there were no options. Battling through darkness and storm in the wee hours of the morning, they collapsed in a natural snow cave at the Col of Patience, the high col atop 1500 feet of snowy mixed climbing that marks the start of the Compressor Route.
>“We couldn’t believe that the storm which had accompanied us for the last 24 hours could touch us,” says Karo. “We were so happy !! ”...
All we need now is for Kieran to sneek up and piss in the spot from whence we collect our drink-melt...
28-Sep-2004 9:56:37 AM
On 27/09/2004 A5iswhereitsat wrote:
>retro edit
>It was unsuccsessful. Got this instead ...
>Search the web for: ","
>We didn't find any Web pages containing ",".
>Check your spelling.
>Try more general words.
>Try different words that mean the same thing.
>All Rights Reserved, © 2004 MARSFIND.COM
A5 - another suggestion - drop the comma after html...
28-Sep-2004 10:23:10 AM
On 27/09/2004 A5iswhereitsat wrote:
> Seems to me that some posts of pictures are distorting the screen
> layout due to being too large.
Which is why I take the time (when I have it) to edit the pictures people upload to ensure they meet the restrictions I've outlined in the help and on the upload page itself, namely max 300 pixels wide, max 40kb in size. The width restriction is for low resolution users, while the size restriction helps keep the site under the 1 gig mark.
Note however to those who email me great pics for the Gallery, please keep them coming! Very, very much appreciated. There will always be plenty of server space for quality Victorian climbing photos.
28-Sep-2004 11:52:09 AM
Yeh I guess that's the deal, you mess up enough times with pictures and you're out on your ears boy. It has a 1984 feel to it
28-Sep-2004 12:25:40 PM
On 28/09/2004 cameron wrote:
>Yeh I guess that's the deal, you mess up enough times with pictures and
>you're out on your ears boy. It has a 1984 feel to it
Sigh... for the record I was forced to disable further upload ability on Damien's account due to continued posting of huge files, despite the very clear guidelines. There is no automated process for applying these restrictions, and I was getting tired of editing his pics for him. Subsequently I was forced to completely disable Damien's account (for now), due to his multitude of inappropriate posts directed towards myself (which have been deleted).
I really do have limited time for all of this. For instance I spent several hours last night typing up a Chockstone interview, which I enjoyed doing. But I guess I just don't have the patience for moderating.
Please don't read into this that pics are unwelcome. There's enough space if we keep them relevant and small in size. I particularly like to see pics in trip reports, for example. The upload feature was a trial, and I think for the most part it is still working well.
I'd also like to reiterate that emailing me quality pics for the Gallery is very welcome, and indeed something I'd like to encourage as much as possible.
28-Sep-2004 12:33:42 PM
On 28/09/2004 Mike wrote:
>I really do have limited time for all of this. For instance I spent several
>hours last night typing up a Chockstone interview, which I enjoyed doing.
>But I guess I just don't have the patience for moderating.
I think that this is as much a testament to the popularity of the site as anything. I understand you had some help from Neil, but he's away at the moment? IN any case it sounds like the whole thing is a job for more than one person, maybe Martin or Phil would be able to help until Neil returns, or perhaps Anita? Heck, I'll volunteer if it is causing you grief (description of me in my profile)
28-Sep-2004 12:42:54 PM
On 28/09/2004 cameron wrote:
>I understand you had some help from Neil, but he's away at
>the moment?
Yep. I am getting some additional help with moderating in Neil's absense, but monitoring the upload side of things at present requires being in the same building as the server, so that will have to remain my job. Anita, yes, good choice, I'll send her an email and ask. Phil did offer, so I think I might take him up on it.
28-Sep-2004 1:20:17 PM
Begging for forgiveness from Mike! He he he he. Don't let him back in
28-Sep-2004 1:36:13 PM
On 28/09/2004 cameron wrote:
>I think that this is as much a testament to the popularity of the site
>as anything. I understand you had some help from Neil, but he's away at
>the moment? IN any case it sounds like the whole thing is a job for more
>than one person, maybe Martin or Phil would be able to help until Neil
>returns, or perhaps Anita? Heck, I'll volunteer if it is causing you grief
>(description of me in my profile)
Mike has given me mod access to help in Neil's absence. But I missed all of this morning's happenings as the office (maybe just mine?) connection to the internet has been down most of today.
28-Sep-2004 2:28:12 PM
On 27/09/2004 HEX wrote:
>A5--- time ta go cold-turkey, bro , cos ya startin' ta sound like one !!
Wabbits will do that to ya if ya don't reSearch the topic, ... but as indicated it was a 'mint adventure' and the herd mentality resumes.
A plague on ya grasshoppers H-T, if ya stir the pot unneccessarily!
28-Sep-2004 2:53:47 PM
On 28/09/2004 bourge de menteur wrote:
>... Hex, you can breathe a sigh of relief, Damo has been axed form
>the forum!!
Well Damien , I MEAN !! , bourge ( your 2nd account/similar style is pretty obvious to a 7th-dimensionist...) --- *I* never really had any dramas with Damo --- in fact he gave me quite a bit of inter-planetary-sling-shot-energz --- me and Damey are like 2 magnets --- sometimes we dance-around ,as the forces push us apart , sometimes we go BANG !!!, as the magnets connect...
On 2/06/04 Damietta respectfully wrote,(in ' Vic climbing legends' thread), re' HEX :
>I eagerly anticipate his[?] return ( the force is strong in this one )...
You are indeed a try-hard grass-hopper, Damo --- you still have much to learn about un-leashing your individuality/creativity in a structured-middle-class-environment...
Luv HEX , I MEAN !!! , HEX...
28-Sep-2004 3:11:14 PM
Sad response bourge de menteur, to Damos temporary exile.
I'm with Hex ...
>*I* never really had any dramas with Damo
... though the thought of being a moderator having to give lessons in etiquette / manners is lamentable also.
(If push comes to shove I would much rather see the moderator happy, as the site is too valuable to corrupt).
28-Sep-2004 3:19:43 PM
On 28/09/2004 A5iswhereitsat wrote:
>Sad response bourge de menteur, to Damos temporary exile.
>I'm with Hex ...
>>*I* never really had any dramas with Damo
There seems to be some competition between the trolls, like a kind of wacko one-upmanship. When one of them gets in trouble, the others jump up and down with glee
28-Sep-2004 3:24:07 PM
maybe they're all one person...
28-Sep-2004 3:43:50 PM
On 28/09/2004 cameron wrote:
>There seems to be some competition between the trolls, like a kind of
>wacko one-upmanship. When one of them gets in trouble, the others jump
>up and down with glee
Can you imagine them as a roped team?
>maybe they're all one person...
Doubt it, but if they are then they have a sick amount of time on their hands.
There is a troll in all of us ?
I'm off to the oubliette* to get over them!
*Place in a labyrinth (or castle) where you go (or get incarcerated) to forget ( or be forgotten) about things...