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9-Mar-2005 9:22:23 PM
Ben informs me the term we should be using is ' single-push '...
" HEX !!! --- I'm a bit busy at the mo' , but since those dweebs can't grasp your genius, let me dumb-it-down for 'em ! "
>Lee on the hand has risen to the very top of Australian climbing. Not only did he make >the 1st accent of Mr Sneeky(33) one of australia's hardest routes, he has gone on to >make the first single push accent (and only second repeat!) of Ozymandais(29) at Mt >Buffallo. Ozzy involves several pitches(300m+) and the 29 is not too be taken lightly. >Many of the pitches being , thin , dellicate and scary! It will be recognised in history >as a very significant accent in Australian climbing well done cobba!!
Thanx Ben !!! , Luv Hexy:-)
9-Mar-2005 10:47:15 PM
On 4/03/2005 simey wrote:
I would consider the creation of a hold on The Navigator
>to be less of a crime than the chipped holds on Punks in the Gym, London
>Calling and Hit the Deck
I tend to disagree. It's a curious and unhelpful line of discussion to speculate on the comparative morality of chipping a pitch. I would prefer Simey to speculate about chipping his own climbs and leave my alone thank you very much.
9-Mar-2005 11:10:25 PM
On 9/03/2005 HEX wrote:
>While I recover from my nappy-rash, canya e?-talk to Lee and get the
>juice so we can practice our neo-cyber-preach ...
Happy to (at least try to) practice what I preach Hex. Funny how some grasp (vainly) for perceived inconsistencies in others rather than address the point that was being made. Fact is, I wasn't reporting the ascent but commenting on obvious problems with reports floating around. And that point (about Oz climbing reporting) remains. And sorry Hex, but I see no reason to hassle Lee about it, because, like I said, I spoke w him and got the impression he’d done it ‘free’ and given that I’m very confident he knows what this means we can pretty safely assume he’d have pulled his rope and at least done it in “pinkpoint” (what a stupid term) style. Personally I don’t really care if he took a hang and placed a bit more gear in the meantime, because 1) I’m not reporting this, and 2) I think even if he hypothetically had done that it would be pretty insignificant in the “scheme of things” (careful Hex, James might just have a point) and finally 3) all of what I have said above about this ascent is backed up by other reports and from what I’ve heard elsewhere anyway. It was free, continuous free, and beyond that I’m not really that concerned about the details – so long what we do hear is accurate.
Crikey Hex, I really trust you shout me a beer next time you see me – whoeveryouare – because you’re sure making me earn it!
Quick reminder of whatthef**kweretalkingabout ala Monkys…
On 9/03/2005 HEX wrote:
>Ben informs me the term we should be using is ' single-push '...
etc etc
Did Ben really send ya all that or have yar just been surfing to again Hex?
Anyway, I think that "news" item of Ben’s is a good example of what I was talking about.
>>Lee … has gone on to >make the first single push accent (and only
>second repeat!) of Ozymandais(29) at Mt >Buffallo.
"Single push" vis a vis "continuous free" - could yar kinda like "Please explain" that one Hex? Or Ben? Because I’d have though the ‘FREE’ bit was kinda like *significant*. Unless, of course, you want to hear all about my 1986 (or there abouts) aid ascent of Ozy Direct w Mike Law-Smith…
Hang on a sec, are we talking about Ozy or Ozy DIRECT here? Because they are quite differnt propositions and Lee didn’t do Ozy free. We’re talking about the direct. In fact, to be really precise, we should be calling it Ozy Direct via the Free Eliminate Variant or something like that (guidebook not at hand) but no-one worries about that (cause it's understood).
>involves several >pitches
Yes, usually it’d be done free in eight.
> (300m+)
270m max I’d have thought.
> and the 29 is not too be taken lightly.
No, no, of course not. Whatever the grade the style is really fricken hard. However it’s actually 28 (according to both Steve and Lee, although I’ve tried some of the moves and wouldn’t be surprised if it were harder).
>Many of the pitches
>being , thin , dellicate and scary!
Now that’s probably true. I didn’t know Ben had actually been on the route.
>it will be recognised in history >as
>a very significant accent in Australian climbing well done cobba!!
Now this is very true indeed, speculation and opinion yes, but surely that’ll certainly be proven to be true. Well done indeed.
Like I’ve said, it the ascent is obviously a great achievement. The bollocks and exaggerations in the various “reportings” so far are unhelpful and quite unnecessary however. Let’s see if Rock can “get it right”.
10-Mar-2005 1:24:26 PM
Hex Troll said;
>Lynn's ascent is IMPRESSIVE but itz not CONTINUOUS ...
>Lee retreats to belay ledge ; Jap jugs ; Lynn hopes no-one will notice amid all the razzamataz ...NOT continuous ascents...down-climbing from a hard-bit , resting and then successfully ascending the pitch would barely scrape in as continuous ascents, because significant back-towards-the-start-of-the-route movement had been made...
I never would've thought people would one day argue the nuances of significant ascents like this, though I shouldn't be surprised I guess.
You are probably technically correct Hex, but I am an average climber with simple interpretations. Anyone who doesn't back off a climb (especially multipitch), and gets up it in one go has done it continuously in my book. If they back off partially (fall) then they can still claim to have freed it (if that's what they did), and in my opinion call it continuous if they restart & complete that pitch from its belay soon after reaching that belay.
If they back right off, ie actually get off the cliff & go away for a rest day or whatever, then they are hard pressed to claim 'continuous' IMO.
How would you describe Mountaineering expedition stye ascents H-T, where weather might force a party to retreat to the nearest bivvy, (yet still remain on the mountain), while climbing on at the 1st opportunity?
& What about roped-solo ?
... beggar me (by your logic), as soon as they abseil to clean the pitch they have stuffed their 'continuous' (on a multipitch climb) ascent !
10-Mar-2005 1:45:51 PM
On 9/03/2005 Onsight wrote:
>I spoke w him and got the
>impression he’d done it ‘free’ and given that I’m very confident he knows
>what this means ...
> I think I used the term "sexual affair." And so the record is completely clear, have you >ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition >Exhibit 1, as modified by the Court ?
>I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I've never had an affair with >her !!! :D
10-Mar-2005 1:56:46 PM
On 9/03/2005 Onsight wrote:
>Crikey Hex, I really trust you will shout me a beer next time you see me –
>whoeveryouare – because you’re sure making me earn it!
Topic Date User
Ceuse fans club Monday, 16 August 2004, HEX :
Oh I like ta have a beer with Onsight
Oh I like ta have a beer Simey
We drink in moderation
Then we roll-around,making luuuuv, in the beer-slops, blood, vomit, used-condoms,and cigerette-butts
Cos we like ta feel slimey !!
We drink at the Nati-National
where the atmosphere is great !
I like ta have a beer with Onsight
Cos Onsight's photos are GREAT !!!
Luv HEthX , burp, fart, "gisnuthadrinkdarlin' !! "...
Lookin' 4ward to it bro !!! ;-)))
10-Mar-2005 2:11:11 PM
On 26/02/2005 HEX wrote:
>FEB 2004 ---> FEB 2005: Happy 1st cyber-thingy, Hexy !!!
>I don't know that the issue is outright bandwidth, but rather one of signal-to-noise ratio. >The number of worthwhile posts as compared to the total number of posts has been >steadily dwindling over the last 18 months or so.
>That said, I would have lumped Hex in with the 'noise' when he first popped up. His >historical insight, and willingness to trawl threads and juxtapose comments have put >him well and truly into the 'signal'. It's a shame that the recent imitators have so little >to offer in comparison.
S/hez lump !!!
S/hez lump !!!
S/hez lump !!!
S/hez in maaaa head !!!
Do-be-do-be-do-whaaaaaaaa !!!
PURE GOLD timmo !!! --- thanz dude !!! --- itz been quite a journey, along the sometimes crumbled & soiled rice-paper ! --- but therez also been lotza gold-nuggetz for us to stub our toes on ...
Luv HEX & The ex-presidents ... hehehe !
Carn Simey !!! --- grab 'im by his frilly-pantz an' give 'im a wedgie !!!
10-Mar-2005 5:15:04 PM
On 6/09/2004 HEX wrote:
>Now , just what DID ' happen ' on Qurank ? ...
'...There has been a bit of negativity and @#$%! stirring on the board
recently, therefore it might be a good idea for us all to brush up on our
The goal of Qurank is to be a generally positive, supporting environment,
and not totally intimidating to new people coming on board. Jokes and
antics do have their place (we've got to be able to laugh at ourselves)
but I would like to see everyone having a net-positive-contribution...'
>Luv HEX& Cube-arse...
10-Mar-2005 6:24:29 PM
Topic Date User
Wheres Hex? Wednesday, 30 June 2004, Damietta :
>There you go sHexy ...
>What do you say to that S(h)exy?...
Damey --- or Damian/Damietta/Bourge/Kris/One Day Hero/ & a few others I won't reveal/revile just yet ... --- What does The HEX say ? --- you seriously need to get a life, or maybe a wife, cos ya (deliberately)causin' too much strife ...
Neil --- excellent idea re' lockin threads --- no point trying to edit-out single posts cos quite often the ' dish-water ' is what reveals the gold in the bottom of the gold-panning-dish ...
Damey,etal --- feel free to post on this ' shock-absorbing ' thread , cos if youz continue to display net-e-quette-reck-less-ness, not only will youz be sh#tting in the once-cosy Chockstone-nest , but also, Mike will be tempted to call in the cyber-tree-doctors to remove the whole etc,etc,etc ...
Philby :
>The more I think about what we do the more I believe that we as a community of >individuals are merely a microcosm of what the world in general is like...
Yep --- and hence the ' need ' for police/moderators ... and sponsors...
10-Mar-2005 7:29:29 PM
ROCK HARDWARE Freight FREE Within Australia
On Orders Over $250 38 Neale St, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Phone/Fax: (03) 5441 8886 Steve Morris
Chockstone is sponsored by Rock Hardware Pty. Ltd who provide excellent prices on climbing gear, and will mail order anywhere in Australia. Almost all items listed are in stock and can be shipped immediately. Purchasing from Rock Hardware helps to keep Chockstone on-line. In Person Trading Hours: 9am - 5pm Mon to Fri. Weekends by Appointment.
Chockstone might be free to ACCESS , but it ain't free to host ...
Steve he be da maaaan
because he can
deliver to ya sexy prices !!!
10-Mar-2005 9:30:44 PM
This wonderful thread is brought to you by ...
10-Mar-2005 9:34:22 PM
Manacubus :
>Due to the online revolution, print magazines will never again be a source of current news >or information. Everything breaks on the web first. Magazines can only seek to play “catch >up and compile”, presenting so-called current events from the period everyone has already >moved past. There is no need for editors anymore, filtering what comes out of the horse’s >mouth and sanitizing content for mass-consumption. I’ll put up with spelling errors and Hex’s >compulsion to use long strings of full stops if it means I don’t have to listen to anything >coming out of the Baxter-filter.
>Online all the way !
Neilo :
>The owners of this and Qurank have both mentioned to me their desire to shut the whole >thing down as it is just becoming out of control.
Richard :
>regarding the escallating costs of hosting this site, is it really necessary to keep all these >posts forever? How many posts from a year ago, 6 months ago, last month, ever get read >again. Maybe 0.001%?
>It would seem to me, that often the same question gets asked again, rather than the person >searching throught what has been said.
>Maybe all posts could expire after 6 or 12 months. Climbers seem very hung up on history...
Online all the way ? --- looks like the Australian-cyber-climbing-freight-train might be running out of stream , becoming de-railed and then ................. much gloating and smug-looks floating around the Rock-mag office ...
Hopefully Hexy isn't the only one with the fore-sight-retro-hind-sight to see the significance of Chockstone,CragX,Qurank, etal in the mid 2000s ...
Keep the archives , keep ya cool when posting , and ...
11-Mar-2005 11:30:05 AM
Here is a idea to save some Bandwidth and memory.
Have a link in this post to a google group then continue there! We could take over a religion forum or a dateing one would be nice.
Have you seen the google group aus.rec.climbing lately? Its chockers with religion and singles crap. Lets fight BACK!
11-Mar-2005 5:32:14 PM
" Believe me HEX , Chockstone can get a bit gnarly at times ..."
11-Mar-2005 5:57:26 PM
On 10/03/2005 HEX wrote:
>Oh I like ta have a beer with Onsight
>Oh I like ta have a beer Simey
I particularly like this bit:
>We drink in moderation..........
Oooooh - the irony!!!!
>Luv HEthX , burp, fart, "gisnuthadrinkdarlin' !! "...
>Lookin' 4ward to it bro !!! ;-)))
Yeah, cheers, likewise honey. Next time I'm sat in a pub I'll keep a lookout for any voluptuous full-lipped strangers coming up to me and offering drinks... Could you make like kinda wear that sexy red outfit you had on earlier? Just so I don't confuse you with all the others.
Wooo hooo! It took a lot of work but what a score! Who said internet dating was crap!
11-Mar-2005 6:20:14 PM
Put that condom back in ya pocket, Simey ! --- the pope might get upset ...
A Koala with an eye-patch ? ... is that you Damey/Bourge ? ...
Hatman --- just for you, dude ... now THIS is '... chockers with religion...' :O
11-Mar-2005 6:21:57 PM
For those who aren't climbing this weekend outdoors, the next best thing?
11-Mar-2005 6:30:20 PM
>This kid has a serious kink in his neck. As you can tell, he can't look to his left...
Well then HE won't be climbing Thunder Crack this w/e will he :P
Whoops ! ... hang-on a minute --- Thunder Crack DOES go right ... maybe he might find Birdman a bit tricky ...
11-Mar-2005 7:07:10 PM
>Mike: if you need help i'm quite willing - just PM me. I am an IT professional in real life ;)
11-Mar-2005 7:23:40 PM
>I’m still interested in the possibilities suggested in climbing for breaking down gender >based dualisms, such as mind/body, logic/emotion, success/failure, risk/safety, >control/chaos and the amalgamation of attributes associated with men such as power >and independence with those associated with women, such as communication, >bonding, flexibility...
" What ARE you talking about, sister ??!! "