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13-Nov-2004 3:54:55 PM
Keep going boyz --- ya might just make it ...Hexy's waiting with more Brandy&Cigars ...
13-Nov-2004 4:07:19 PM
" Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh --- at last !!! : athreesomesyncronicitywithdamo&A5 "
13-Nov-2004 4:30:46 PM
" I'll guard the thread while you 3 enjoy what ever you're doing on the summit ... "
13-Nov-2004 4:36:29 PM
>BINGO !!! --- bourge/Damo can't resist the bait and is starting to wonder what that >metallic taste is in his big, fat gob !!!
>Luv HEX & Captain Quint...
One day, unter-grasshopper , you will understand the subtle-teez of irony...
bourge/Damo --- enjoy your party on the South Summit, with a nice big shark-hook up your rz !!
Mean-while , Hexy , A5 & Damo are enjoying the peace & happiness ....
>Are you trying to distract me from my primary goal in untangling the Hex? Hex, is that >you? How many people are Hex, and which one is the real Hex?
>would the real hexy please stand up..
>I'm Hex and so's my Wife....
ASHES TO ASHES , FUNK TO FUNKY... Wednesday, 18 August 2004, Damietta:
>Sorry Hex, I had another one of my turns. At Martin's suggestion I have been looking >at anger management. The hampsters are back in the hamper...
That's OK , Damo --- you stay on THE summit with me 'n' A5 4awhile ...
Now persona-bourge/Damo --- feel free to go and play with Plucka in Vic's theme-park, while you come to terms with your etc,etc,etc ...
Ladies & Gentlemen --- I give you bourge/Damo :
14-Nov-2004 2:39:45 PM
Hexy's taken the bait....
Could be a bit hard to get'im on board........
Gott'im! Cheers Vic! Just pose there with Hexy while I get the camera, got it, sweet. How's that tickle ya!
Later, back at the shark show........(raaaaarrrhhh, damn you Dameeee!!!!)
Vic, over a quiet VB out the back of the shark show: "Sheesh Damey, that's one big old shark we hauled in today, damn near tore the boat a newie it took the bait so hard. "
Damey "yeh, the biggest. I been huntin dat dere shark for months"
Vic: "Should keep Amityville safe for a while, and get Martin Brody off my back"
Damey: "Sh## yeh"
Vic: "Nutha VB?"
Damey "Yeh, sweet, cheers"
Vic: "Cheers, Damey, thanks for droppping 'round"
Thanks Dameeee!! Now we can have our false summit parteee (What's that behind you Dameee? I thought I saw something*, looked like.........probably nothing...)
* He had been walking the flanks of the mountain ever since and would continue until the end of time. Moving over talus, rock walls, ice-fields and cornices - sometimes at great speed - during dawn, day, dusk and night.
The life of men had faded into a far and distant memory - faces, figures, names, facts, had all blurred into a dream-like and vague recollection - did it actually happen or was it a dream? As time passed it became more and more dreamlike, almost forgotten, only a small instalment in a moving picture that now seemed to have so much more depth, clarity and yet simplicity - all was understood now, without being questioned.
And he only knew that time was passing by the changing seasons, as snow turned to melt water and re-froze, the winter storms - driven by bitter, cold winds that would tear, rip and steal. Large easterly-moving fronts announced the coming monsoon. Alpine grasses and small insects came to life during the thaw, encroaching on the mountainside, and then retreated to the valley floor as the white blanket of snow and ice re-claimed its place in the endless cycle of freeze-thaw-freeze.
Alpenglow, when shadows drew long fingers across rock walls, scree slopes and snow covered peaks, marked the end of day and coming of night.
He often heard noises, sometimes the sounds of talking, shouting and laughter, but never saw anyone. Migratory birds and other animals made their way through the valley below, but never stayed long....
14-Nov-2004 6:31:56 PM
14-Nov-2004 7:20:16 PM
" You heard daboss !! --- now go and play on the other threads until Hexy returns ..."
15-Nov-2004 1:47:55 PM
On 14/11/2004 HEX wrote:
>" You heard daboss !! --- now go and play on the other threads until Hexy
>returns ..."
H-T 08/07/04 Ashes to ashes thread;
>So where to from here ? ...
>1) Camp-fire convos are still as fun and existentially stimulating , as they ever were , >no doubt ,even in the cave-(wo)man days...
Flemington bouldering-cave-person daze!, ... and fire sales ~>... how insensitive bored&demented !!
Seems the talk is more of commiserations.
Perhaps it will soon turn to the next Chockstone Gathering (shortly upcoming), when the delights of real rock will provide an alternative to training?
15-Nov-2004 10:33:12 PM
I think the Simon Yates thing was a bit out of line..
What would you do in that situation?
16-Nov-2004 8:17:12 AM
On 15/11/2004 wombats wrote:
>I think the Simon Yates thing was a bit out of line..
>What would you do in that situation?
The same as Simon probably, with the caveat that one doesn't know till the heat comes on, ... (I guess).
Simon and Aaron Ralston (sp?) both did what they felt was the right thing to do at the time in a matter of survival.
I would like to think that I am a survivor, who would go the extra mile/s for my partners when necessary.
I don't think it was out of line. Insensitive perhaps but not out of line, because its a fact of history and has been debated extensively since.
My bent towards
>pedantic analysis (sic; thanks H-T)
combined with my penchant for roped soloing has given me cause to ponder these things (knife shenanigans, 'what if' scenarios etc) fairly extensively.
"I'm just going outside for a bit chaps. Don't wait up for me, as I may be some time ..." is a quote (or words similar) that comes to mind.
>I thought I saw something*
I enjoyed your insightfull (evocative) 'short story' there mate.
(You should cross-post it to 'that' Thread for posterity).
>Was Irv ' carry-ing a knife ? ...
No doubt the book on the finding of him has an inventory of items found ...
18-Nov-2004 5:54:21 PM
On 16/11/2004 A5iswhereitsat wrote:
>I don't think it was out of line. Insensitive perhaps but not out of line,
>because its a fact of history and has been debated extensively since...
>Good one Damo.
>'Tis a worthy location for it, as I found the concept intrigueing.
>Kind of in the vein of something I read long ago ...
>I think Greg Child? has an article / story published somewhere referring to what the >Nepalese call a Chokidar, basically the wandering spirit/s of dead mountaineers in >high places.
>Eeery stuff hearing the scratch of crampons on ice outside the tent when conditions >are abysmal at altitude, only to open up the tentflaps and find no-one there ...
Was Irv ' carry-ing a knife ? ...
19-Nov-2004 10:08:53 AM
A5 retro-edit :
>>Was Irv ' carry-ing a knife ? ...
>No doubt the book on the finding of him has an inventory of items found ...
Grass-hoppaA5 --- let ' The HEX ' pleasexplain : This is Mallory --- ( his grand-son , also named George Mallory , climbed the North Ridge route on Everest recently... ) --- this is not Irv(ine) ...
I was referring to the posibility that perhaps , there had been a Simpson/Yates style-epic on the 2nd ? Step , and that maybe ... Irv ' had ... well ... you-know...
Re-writing history ... Luv HEX ...
Is Damo referring to a mythical-HEX-being ... whateva ... nice micro-story --- nice taseetheREALdamoobviouslybenefitedfromhistimeonthetruesummitwitha5& ...
" Yes ! --- that looks jolly excellent , Hexy ... --- now post it, my dear fellow !! "...
Hexy looks around ... nothing ... are they crampon marks on the lino ? ... Irv ' ? ... " IRV ' ??!! --- IS THAT YOU ??!!! " ... probably nothing ...
19-Nov-2004 10:53:43 AM
Yep, H-T you are correct (again, as usual), I missed the subtlty earlier, (what with being shocked&affronted by pictures of deceased, or still recovering from brandy & cigars in the thin air on the summit?).
Appreciated the fuller explanation, and enjoyed
>are they crampon marks on the lino ?
your humour too.
Its all a rumour then that the search for Irv is still on?,
... (supposedly to recover the camera as proof positive of original ascent) ....
The ethical police are really after the knife!
PS I am fairly certain that Mallory also had a knife aka my confused post.
20-Nov-2004 3:58:40 PM
bourge de menteur
3:19:49 PM
>She's quiet today, evryone snoozing? Noe ones come back in from boozey Friday arvo >lunches yet? Better av one more fr heading back to the orfice...
The afternoon has gentleeeeeee passed me byyyyyyyy...
The eve-ning spreads itself againt the sky-eyeeeeeeee !!
Waiting for to-murro --- it's just a-nutha day-ayyyyy ! ...
bourge was caught-up in this yesterday !
Good-by-eyyyyyyyyye ...
Luv HEX & Sting ...
20-Nov-2004 4:11:10 PM
UH - OH --- whatzhexygunndonext...
20-Nov-2004 4:12:50 PM
" Damn you Wobbo !!! --- if I didn't have ta clean ya slanderarse-gaffiti
off, I wouldn't have bothered climbing this poxy-choss-pile-ofa-26 !!! --- SH#T !!! --- if the ' politics' wasn't badenuf , try making the next clip whenya haven't gotta right arm !!! " ...
20-Nov-2004 4:31:23 PM
The Ideal Bouldering Guide ? ...
Topic Date User
Climbing in Tasmania Wednesday, 18 February 2004, nmonteith :
>Oatlands - shocking ugly bouldering. if you boulder V10+ it might be ok - if you like >mud, mossies and snakes...
" HEY !!! ---copthatNeil !! --- hopeyalike2ndhandcascadebeermate !! ---that'll teachya ta slag-off our lil'slicaparadize !!! "...
21-Nov-2004 8:53:20 PM
Awwww, geeee, shucks Hex, I'm touched you did that for me.
(Luv you too Hex. Kisses).
There's actually a strange story behind how I came to lose my arm. There I was one afternoon cleaning the graffiti off Centenary Drive, when this big golden Valiant streaked past swerving all over the place and Kapow! Life has never been the same since really. I actually got a look at the driver moments before and he seemed to have a VB long-neck in one hand and also seemed to be staring amorously into the eyes of his female passenger. I thought he was a climber at first, but later realised he was probably just a hunter out checking his traps…
21-Nov-2004 10:43:48 PM
mitch, goddamhim!! :P
22-Nov-2004 2:31:59 PM
" F' christsakebabe !!! --- letsgetthelloutahere !!! "...
" There's blood everywhere !!! --- SH#T--- that freakin' things in me beloved-wog-chariot !!! "
Moderator: deleted pic [ Fairynuff mr.moderator --- that one WAS a bit close to the bone , wasn't it !!! --- for those who missed it , visualize gnarly-bloodied-hacked-off-right-arm...]
" No DON'T chuck it out the window !!! --- put it in the esky with the VB's --- should be OK there..."
The ' hunters' head south in search of more open-road-antics-and-beer-primed-action...
An Interstate-31-greyhound pulls to the side of the road in the distance ... out stumbles a kooky-lookin'-young-dude who immediately hurls violently onto a dead wombat, by the side of the road ...after wiping the vile spew off his chin , he reacts quickly enuf to stick out his thumb ...
The stench of vomit-breath floats thru the passenger-side-window, straight up the nose of the Charger-floozy --- who is far too pissed/indifferent to notice it's evil, penetrating reach ...
" I'm going to a place called ' Arapiles ' , but the coach was the PITZ, dudes !!! --- any chanceofalift ?! "
" Yeah,OK --- just don't open the esky ... "
Many zombie-esque miles pass, with the occasional stop to feed the thirsty V8...
" Albury-Wodonga --- Yeah that'lldo !!! --- I can hitch thru the back-roads to Horsham from here ! ... --- Ifya lookin' fa somewhere ta stay, down on the coast, check-out a web-site called ' Chockstone ' , and ya might find me mate Adz !! --- tellimMMsentya !!! "
After grinding thru the late-evening-Melbourne-traffic, an internet/pizza/raveparty cafe is sighted on the out-skirtz of Geelong ...
>Hey Wombats,
>dont know if it might be off the course for your Adventures but we have an open house >in Jan Juc(just near Bells and about 4 hrs from Araps/gramps) where people come and >crash all the time. Last week had a crew from South Oz, have had Japanese, >american, frenchies all sorts. even if u just wanna park ur van and have a shower what >eva it's all cool. If u need somewhere to crash for a few nights... roadtrips are the biz...
" This sounz pretty-good, babe --- lets go check it out..."
On thru the night they drive...then the eastern sky startz to glow...they guide the beast down a meandering dirt track and ...
" Oooooooorrrrrrrrr --- checkthisplaceout !!! --- I hope this Adz-dude likes VB's ... "