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29-May-2005 5:58:53 PM
A scary-short-story from the archives ...
'...Aiding pitch 5 or 6 of Ozymandias on the north wall of Buffalo and i decided to switch from aid to free mode to try and speed up the process. I was wearing runners not climbing shoes. I laybacked up some sort of expando flake and managed to kick out the wire I had placed at my feet. The previous bit of gear was a good 7m below that and suddenly i relaized that my Nike's don't grip onto granite like 5.10 rubber does! The feeling of being in a tenous layback move five pitches up Ozy in runners facing a 15m+ fall was totally freaky. I started sketching and shaking and seeing no gear nearby I managed to downclimb and whittle a replacment wire in using my feet and slump back onto my daisy chains. I promptly decided I wasn't going to try and free any more of this route and stayed in my aiders for the rest of the day...'
An awesome route howevayadoit ...
29-May-2005 6:07:28 PM
29-May-2005 6:24:22 PM
Topic Date User
Beta on Passport to Insanity? Tuesday, 19 August 2003, Onsight :
>Hi everyone!
>This is my first post so I wanted to start by saying a really big congratulations to Mike >for the fantastic job on the web site — excellent stuff — and also to you all who are >contributing to this forum. I think it’s great! It’s so nice to see an informed, positive and >friendly discussion going on about Aussie (specifically Vic.) climbing. Keep it up >everyone!
Great photo, eh Simey !!! ............ hehehe ..... how come trumpet doesn't post on Chocky anymore ?:-(
29-May-2005 6:28:14 PM
Yep Hex, fantastic shot. He really nailed that one.
I think maybe cause he's busy...
29-May-2005 6:30:09 PM
On 26/05/2005 Onsight wrote:
>One for us oldies (or soon to be).
>Bryden climbing Toyland (25) at age 58 (taken some years back).
& herez another baby-boomer, Christian Schwarz, on Angular Perspective(28) ...
29-May-2005 6:38:53 PM
>I think maybe cause he's busy...
Birth>school>work>death ...
GenerationX are well&truly lost in the swirling-busy-mist/missed-opportunityz ...
29-May-2005 7:21:40 PM
BUMP !!!
Topic Date User
Oh my god! Another film night in Nati! Sunday, 22 May 2005 Eduardo:
'...Yes, that’s right folks. Another film night in Nati. This time it’s the 15/15 Film Festival 05. A film festival of independent and emerging film makers from around the globe. For more info go to
It will be on Saturday the 4th of June at the Soldiers Memorial Hall in Main Street Natimuk. So if your up here enjoying the drought, I mean the horrible wet and cold conditions of winter, come along and see the films at 7.00pm. No food this time, but there might be a bar. I will post again closer to the date with more info...'
29-May-2005 7:25:43 PM
Itz very quiet tonight ...
29-May-2005 8:13:00 PM
It's a school night,Hexy - all the young'ns have homework to do and lunches to pack
29-May-2005 9:35:44 PM
and everyone else is comming back from a trip!
oh yea, my homework....!
31-May-2005 9:43:46 AM
On 29/05/2005 sabu wrote:
>oh yea, my homework....!
not even half a year left for me then its good bye college forever, and hello climbing non-stop.
31-May-2005 11:47:41 AM
Good luck Rocky ! --- to fuel your future, a bit more, check-out the 'havealaughatmousey' thread ...
'...Zac Vetress has established what is more than likely the hardest route in Oz with Tucker Time (8c or 33). As well as freeing a large scary route on Dog Face , around 7c+ or 28...'
Anyone got anymore beta on the Doggy route ? ...
1-Jun-2005 9:28:12 AM
" Hmmmm ... Dog Face ? ... wherez that ? ... all very perplexy Hexy ... "
1-Jun-2005 9:48:13 AM
>Anyone got anymore beta on the Doggy route ? ...
Yeah, I think it was Gigantor that he freed.
1-Jun-2005 2:26:46 PM
Cheers dude:-)
mikl law
>Gigantor used to be considered a classic, but I think the top 10m is a bit decayed for nutting, >rather than exploding the crack with pitons a few long U bolts or fixed fence posts might be >in order...
Soundz like fun !
1-Jun-2005 2:35:25 PM
'...The team conquered Everest just over an hour after 21-year-old Rex Pemberton became the youngest Australian to climb it.
The University of Western Sydney student beat previous Australian record holder James Allen, a Victorian who conquered Everest in 1995 at the age of 22...'
C'mon Mousey, Steph, Sabu etc --- chase this one !
1-Jun-2005 2:52:55 PM
On 1/06/2005 HEX wrote:
>'...The team conquered Everest just over an hour after 21-year-old Rex
>Pemberton became the youngest Australian to climb it.
>C'mon Mousey, Steph, Sabu etc --- chase this one !
They are possibly already too old. There was a young lad (16?) on one of the morning news shows earlier this with his dad, who was planning an expedition to climb the big vertical rubbish dump. (can't find any details so far)
Youngest so far (as at 2003) is a 15 y/old girl,5936,6486770%255E1702,00.html
The previous youngest was also 15 and lost a several fingers through frostbite. I wonder if it's worth it loosing fingers at such a young age!?
1-Jun-2005 4:57:35 PM
On 1/06/2005 HEX wrote:
>'...The team conquered Everest just over an hour after 21-year-old Rex
>Pemberton became the youngest Australian to climb it.
>The University of Western Sydney student beat previous Australian record
>holder James Allen, a Victorian who conquered Everest in 1995 at the age
>of 22...'
>C'mon Mousey, Steph, Sabu etc --- chase this one !
awww but thats means i need to start saving now! not to mention getting fit!!! though a tempting proposition.....!!
1-Jun-2005 7:43:11 PM
On 1/06/2005 dalai wrote:
>They are possibly already too old. There was a young lad (16?) on one
>of the morning news shows...
Yeah, that'd be 13y.o(2004),Chris Harris :
'...The height of Christopher's ambition seems to know no bounds. His most recent conquest is Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. His ultimate goal is to be the youngest person to climb the seven summits, the tallest mountain on each continent, including the highest in the world, Mt Everest, which he hopes to climb next year. "My ultimate goal is to be the youngest person in the world to climb the highest mountain on each continent. And also to be the youngest person in the world to climb Mt Everest."
So where to next for this intrepid adventurer once he has tackled the tallest of them all?
Out of this world ... to Mars, no less, where the tallest mountain reaches 21 kilometres into the Martian sky. This final frontier is the sort of fantasy challenge Christopher Harris wants to take on some day...'
He still hasn't climbed Everest , so the *Aus* record stands at Sabu etal are still in with a chance ... but ya better qurank-up ya financing&stair-climbing cos Chrissy might be dodging crevasses at base-camp right now .................... or high-jacking a Russian-rocket at some obscure central-asian-cosmodrome ...
1-Jun-2005 8:08:09 PM
>I can agree with editing posts for clarity, making them less offensive, etc, but I find it >odd that someone would completely delete all their posts - it's like erasing one's >existence. I remember reading about someone in the US who deleted all their posts >from an online forum, right before they committed suicide. Maybe it's the online >version of getting one's affairs in order? Frankly, if I were about to depart this mortal >coil, I would create as much chaos as possible!
Thankfully, Kent is alive&well ...
Tasch --- burnyabra, take a deep-breath ...........then go for a brisk-stroll around the block ...
Luv, Dr HEX;-)