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22-Dec-2006 10:58:24 PM
I have come by a set of old faders hexes at a good price. I remember some-one had a set of hexes that had holes all over the place in them.
Am I going to loose any real world strength if I go to town and drill them full of holes?
I have no real reason to do this apart from BLING factor. I guess they will be a little lighter because I was looking at 8mm holes.
Thanks in advance
23-Dec-2006 11:19:30 AM
My original BD hexes came standard as drilled all over.
Obviously you can do it but some holes may compromise strength if not strategically placed?
It may not be easy to access* an original example as a pattern but copying its hole placements would be the go.
(*If I can get hold of a digital camera I might be able to upload pics of mine for you).
BTW it is only the numbers 11 and 10 that came drilled this way (ie the two largest sizes), and the rest from #9 down were not.
The holes look (without measuring) to be about 1/4" diameter which would be closer to 6mm.
23-Dec-2006 11:27:54 AM
I have a #9 with holes in it...strange
23-Dec-2006 12:04:21 PM
Ralph hope this makes sense:

...i have way too much time on my hands!
23-Dec-2006 4:15:25 PM
Years ago I was told that there was a change to the type of aluminum used to make hexes. The older type was softer, and so the walls were thicker; these hexes came drilled for lightness. The change to a harder material came with a reduction in wall thickness. I was told that these newer ones should not be drilled.
This is just something I was told, so it could be a myth. However, I have chosen not to drill my new (20 year old) hexes, just in case.
24-Dec-2006 12:46:35 PM
My #10 is drilled the same as yours dave.
I checked the numbers again and my #9 is definitely not drilled.
My #11 has way more holes. 35 all up, not including the four threading holes.
My BD hexes were bought in USA back in '79.
>The older type was softer, and so the walls were thicker; these hexes came drilled for lightness. >The change to a harder material came with a reduction in wall thickness. >I was told that these newer ones should not be drilled.
The newer types that I have seen are actually thicker walled than my originals. I always regarded them as simply a cheaper product with the (dis)benefits that go with their price!, hence WM having one of my mates large ones as a booty piece resulting from a retreat we did once.
27-Dec-2006 7:21:17 PM
Thanks guys, you have been a great help. Sorry about not replying earlier I got some time off to climb after posting. I'll have a quick chat before I do anything. I appreciate the photos Dave, just what I wanted. Thank-you.