>On 26/07/2012 pmonks wrote:
>>even short slumps on a static rope can generate dangerous
>>loads on your body and the anchors.
well this comment is prety uninformed if you think about all the climbing gyms worldwide that run top ropes for beginners using static rope systems pete !
calling BS because you want to protect beginners while admitting you've only been doing solo set ups for less than a year is also a bit comical, I first used a static toprope self belay over twenty years ago, and made some mistakes that I can now identify using hindsight, but am now using that personal experience when discussing this here.
One of the main dangers is if they were to make the mistakes you yourself say you made on the slab in a previous post, ie slack rope being allowed to enter the system.
Anyway I'm not saying I only use static systems, and am in no way dogmatic about this, done correctly this system is safe either way, while done incorrectly, as in your egsamplers of mistakes made recently, then a dynamic rope is no gaurantee of safety, no matter how much cotton wool you try to wrap yourself in pete.
Ultimatley knowledge is key to doing things right, so discussion is very helpfull for those who are unaware of potential dangers, discussion like this, just try not to talk in black and white, in absolutes, until perhaps you have a bit more understanding or knowledge of what it is your talking about, knowledge gleaned not just from your personal opinion after reading some stuff or doing it for such a short time, but actual real world experience. |