On 3/05/2005 anthonyk wrote:
>On 3/05/2005 ShinToe Warrior wrote:
>>On 3/05/2005 sabu wrote:
>> sabu, laced with greese, the chalk users enemy.
>>jeez sabu, stop greasing up the holds mate! :)
>well soap bonds with grease doesn't it, and maybe bonds with skin bits
>a little as well. so if you soaped up, you reackon you'd stick better?
Anthony, if you soap up, the only thing you would stick to would be a bale of barbed wire.
You may as well keep using the acromat stuff- it has similar friction properties to soap and won't leave
soap scum on the rock.
I'll stick with the 8CPlus Chalk for climbing, thanks :) |