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28-May-2004 10:39:16 AM
Anybody know anything ??
"Air ambulance called to transport injured climber
The air ambulance was engaged to assist a hiker who had fallen in the Grampians National Park on Saturday afternoon.
A 23-year-old man from South Australia was rockclimbing with friends near Hollow Mountain, when he fell at about 2.10pm.
He had fallen about five metres from a rock face and hit another rock, before falling a further three metres.
State Emergency Service personnel from Stawell and Ararat, Halls Gap Police and Horsham Abulance officers were all involved in rescuing the injured man, who was flown to Ballarat Base Hospital."
28-May-2004 1:13:14 PM
i was at stapylton campground that weekend and somebody around the campfire talked about a helicopter evacuation of an injured boulderer at hollow mountain, but they did not elaborate further.
29-May-2004 10:10:01 PM
Yep it was at Andersens, the dude involved wasn't climbing at the time, he was scrambling up the side of a boulder to get a better view of the area (I think) because it was his first time there. As stated, he fell about four metres onto a rock, and tumbled a few more metres down some other rocks. He had a few nasty cuts and scrapes, fractured cheekbone, a small degree of haemoraging in his skull (isn't serious), broken thumb, and some sought of damage to his shoulder, I think thats about it. It could have been much worse, he is in good spirits and is mostly pissed about the time it will take for his thumb to heal cos it means he cant climb! The guy has some smart friends who acted quickly calling the ambos and ses, who were a pretty good lot, also lucky there was a dude in the car park who had a first aid kit and new some stuff who helped out before the ambos got there, cheers to him!
29-May-2004 10:56:21 PM
That makes two accidents at Stapylton last Saturday - including the one from Soweto.
Glad everyone's OK. Hope the guy choppered out had ambulance cover
30-May-2004 10:41:16 AM
and here i was thinking that no acciednts ever happen in the Grampians...
30-May-2004 11:21:28 AM
Yep, he had ambo cover, its funny because two of his mates and myself both checked up on the state of our private health cover on return home!
31-May-2004 1:12:06 PM
Does private health cover climbing. I don't think it does? Might be hard to lie about it if you are rescued from the base of a cliff with your harness on.
31-May-2004 1:32:07 PM
Many private health insurance policies include an ambulance subscription though, so at least you dont have to pay the cost of the air ambulance ($6k ish I thik someone told me once!).
One of the first things I did when I moved to Tassie was to try to get my Victorian Ambulance subscription transfered. Luckily down here in Tassie, ambulances are free! Thats a bargin (hope I never need one though).
31-May-2004 2:37:19 PM
Private health cover should cover climbing, well at least mine did. Luckily, the bill from a 3 month stay 2 years ago was truly frightening, I shudder to think what it would cost these days. (and for 3 months YOU need a private room.)
Pretty much all it didn't cover was things like anesthesiologists (sp?) and some of the orthotic aids etc.. But if you pick your extra covers/gap thingies even that should be covered.
It actually never came up that it was climbing accident, pretty much all I remember them asking me was if it was covered under work care or not, and then just a catalog of injuries. Then again I was a little juiced at the time, so you never know..
Amulance cover is well worth it.. from memory it was around $900 from the gramps to horsham
31-May-2004 2:55:45 PM
Re ambulance cover, my health insurance (hba) only covers 'Benefits for emergency-only ambulance transport services.' so i guess there is times that they may argue that it wasn't an emergency eg transfer to another hospital. I dunno i've got ambo cover as well anyway, its only 50 a year.
Also i would have thought that climbing accidents would be covered. I mean it is a sport and i'd say you'd be covered if you broke you're leg skiing for example.
31-May-2004 3:04:52 PM
If your veer unfortuante enough to get rushed to hospital that has A&E it will be a public hospital...never tell em you have insurance as medicare will cover it, in a public hisptal you'll get the same care etc just wont have to pay for anything. Unlike the staes a piblic hospital cant kick out a patient who dosnt have insurance.
5-Jun-2004 11:07:49 PM
On 31/05/2004 rodw wrote:
>If your veer unfortuante enough to get rushed to hospital that has A&E
>it will be a public hospital...never tell em you have insurance as medicare
>will cover it, in a public hisptal you'll get the same care etc just wont
>have to pay for anything. Unlike the staes a piblic hospital cant kick
>out a patient who dosnt have insurance.
This is generally correct except that you don't have to pretend that you don't have health insurance. A public hospital will treat you for free. That's a good state of affairs when you hit the hospital as an emergency patient.
Where private insurance comes into play is if you want have your own choice of orthopaedic surgeon (for example).
As to Ambulance cover : in Victoria your insurance company will re-imburse you the ambulance subscription. The ambulance subscription has to be paid direct to the ambulance service and then you can re-claim the fee from your health fund. Check this out because a lot of people think that their private health insurance actually covers ambulance costs. All the health funds do is re-imburse the subscription. You must pay the subscription separately.
I don't know how this relates to people from funds in other states.
6-Jun-2004 10:53:40 AM
Yeah your right they will treat ya either way just depends wether you get a bill later one you will if your private to cover the gap, you wont if your public. Most public hospitals have the best doctors anyway, private dosnt mean better medical care, just Latte's in the morning instead of International roast. If you can slum it at the Araps, public hospitals should be a piece of cake.
7-Jun-2004 7:56:08 PM
On 6/06/2004 rodw wrote:
>Yeah your right they will treat ya either way just depends wether you get
>a bill later one you will if your private to cover the gap, you wont if
>your public.
A public hospital cannot bill you for emergency care unless you sign a form electing (choosing) to be a private patient. The hospital wants to know if you have private insurance because they are required to collect that information but they cannot bill you as a private patient unless you give them signed permission.
Some private hospitals have emergency departments (e.g. Epworth in Melbourne) but these are not part of the public health system and they charge.