Well, it's now been about eight months since I tore that tendon sheath, and with no medical surgery, no bashing of ganglias etc. etc. it's finally shrunk down to a sweet nothing ... if I look hard I can still see it sitting on my wrist but it certainly no longer hurts and I believe the chances of it coming back are quite minimal - I'm back to pulling on slopers and micro edges again, and pulling bloody hard, crimping like a mofo with more power than hercules and it just seems to be shrinking - I'm back up to cranking my 20's and 21's and am dead keen to get back up to the 22 - 23 level VERY soon!!!
Anyway, so my advice to people with Ganglias? Ignore it and it will go away. It seems to be stronger than ever!!! Here's an idea of how hard I've been pushing it - I was pulling on a micro edge on a g20 (sandbag - gotta be at least a 22!!) no footholds - just a killa mantle, pulled so hard my fingertips are all bruised!!!! Tendons? Their fine. |