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AML & Climbing - a random info thread. 1-Nov-2022 At 1:46:06 PM IdratherbeclimbingM9
A ramble change of topic -

The three day Ozy (again), climb I had pencilled in for this month (November), with Chocky inmates TimP and PeterW, is now off my agenda indefinitely at this stage…, though I had been thinking about such things on and off as distraction from present events.

Strangely enough I woke early (4 am), a few days ago and was lying there with eyes closed trying to get back to sleep but reliving moments on a (generic) wall in incredible perceptive-awareness detail.

A hyper-awareness detail of the feelings involved that I haven’t experienced before post an actual experience; and a different dimension to both the sharpness of focus experienced at the actual time, and also my CABG awareness experience that I had in 2017 in that sense.
Eg I could actually feel the weight of the ropes and my rack, and the stretching of rope under body weight load along with the breeze on my face, and the thrill of the exposure…

In hindsight it was an amazing experience. A mate summed it up (plagiarism warning!), as like being still in a precarious process, still having tenuous hook moves to link up and are further from the top-out than thought.
I hope, like climbing, there are beautiful safe resting moments in the ascent of this present leukaemia adventure.

I wear a Fitbit, and later checked my heart rate record on it and found it spiked at that time, so I also had a physiological response accompanying my psychological state at the time…
The mind is an incredible thing…

—- —- —- —- —-
Change direction on my ramblings.

A Mtn bike riding mate wants to start up a marrow collection for me in my hometown!
~> I now have visions of him out on the singletrack, emptying old roo and wombat bones into jam jars!
Others want to know how fresh the roadkill needs to be, and where to send the bones!
—- —- —- —- —-
Okay, putting serious hat back on again -
Last chemo cycle I was peeing blood in my urine for a while and consequently underwent an ultrasound, then MRI and later a Flexible Cystoscopy to diagnose what was happening...
Results were inconclusive, but the Flexible Cystoscopy indicated nil problems, and the peeing blood issue has since stopped.

Drs reckon it could have been a consequence of the many drugs that they have me on, or simply another side effect of chemo.

How I’ve felt on chemo has been a roller coaster depending on dosage and time within the cycle, but in hindsight the low ebbs aren’t that long.

During the short recovery breaks I’ve been eating heaps of food to regain lost weight, and trying to increase the protein content of it. This combined with light weights exercise to maintain a semblance of upper body strength / minimise muscle atrophy, along with walking to build up stamina.

The walks give me direct feedback as it’s very evident each time I start a new recuperation break that even short distances knock me up.
I soon progress from 1, to 2, to 5 kms at a time; then try for quicker times over the same ground plus seeking out the more hilly bits.
Sustained exercise rapidly tells me my limitations and it’s annoying finding myself puffing like a billygoat walking at a moderate pace on relatively gentle slopes.

Even if my mates were to think it possible for me to participate, the south side Buffalo access track to the north wall is out of contention for me at the moment (a far cry from my previous ability on a recce trip of down and back up to carpark in under an hour), let alone jumaring a wall rope, assuming they wanted a passenger instead of an active participant on a climb there!
It’ll be a protracted recovery from this affliction…

I know I’m doing okay overall, as casting my eyes around the Ward at other inmates and how they are coping reinforces this to me. Still, I’m not used to being so debilitated.

Another underline for this sentiment is hearing / seeing the daily helicopter arrivals at Royal Melbourne Hospital carrying patients requiring emergency care.

It’s a small world that I now inhabit, though I have aspirations of expanding it ‘soon as’!

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