Broke mine skiing years ago. Fell falt on my face on icy snow, sunglasses broke in twain. I thought I was fine afterwards, didn't hurt too much, no nosebleed. Woke up the next morning sporting a new racoon look, with blue marks under and over both my eyes, like a bruise.
Then, five days later, I took another tumble and landed on the nose again. Yep, the snow was still icy, and this time it hurt!!!!!!
I didn't see a doctor, although the nose made a cliking noise for a while if I moved it from side to side. Like described above....
Only reason I know for sure the nose was actually broken is because I had my head x-rayed a few years later. The radiographer pulled the x-ray from the machine, had one short glance at it and said "when did you break your nose". I said "I've never broken my nose". He said "Yes, you have!!!"
End of story: I am now very prone to cop a full on sinusitis every time I get the common cold, which sucks big time. This is because breaking my nose but not having it straightened has messed up my sinuses. Sinusitis is NOT pleasant!!!
Moral of story: If you break your nose, you definately want someone to have a look at it. |