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Mt Greenlaw, NZ - kinda tramping, kinda climbing |
5-Oct-2011 At 1:09:51 PM |
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On 5/10/2011 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>On 5/10/2011 cruze wrote:
>>We are still trying to work out where tramping ends and mountaineering
>begins. Most active Kiwis would call this trip a moderate weekend tramp.
>Yeah, but we all know that they don't sandbag over there do they, eh?
>In my ignorance, I would say if you need mountaineering smarts to avoid
>avalanche areas, crevasses etc, and utilise any mountaineering techniques
>for ascent/descent, then you are mountaineering, regardless of how much
>tramping between those events!
>A good read with great photos.
>Thanks for sharing the trip with us cruze.
I know what you mean about sandbagging...
The first weekend after moving over here I went on a NZAC overnight trip to Mt Alexander on the west coast. 1400m climb to camp on the first day and then up to the summit and back down the next. West coast vegetation and claggy misting rain on day one put me in a rather bad headspace. I tended to think I had pretty decent fitness in Aus but compared to the average active person over here I was nothing! Slowly I have been building up hill/pack fitness over here and now don't look at 100m contours the same way - more like how many 300m climb sections (about an hour) will there be. Still a ways to go.
Over here they use words like "easy", "popular" and "interesting" to sandbag. It is not at all uncommon for trampers to take ice axes and crampons (and we aren't talking transalpine stuff) on day tramps. It is just a different scene to Aus bushwalking. One good thing is that there is pretty good water almost everywhere. |
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