On 23/08/2011 Wendy wrote:
>I've never heard 7a called 23 before. I have heard it debated whether
>it is 24 or 25 though. Inevitably, those silly foreign grading systems
>don't fit neatly into our grades, but if I pick up the nearest available
>guidebook (Araps) written by that font of all knowledge, Simey, it has
>7a at 24. I've never climbed a 7a that felt like 23 either. Although
>I've climbed some 23s at the Mt that felt like 7a. Or maybe even 8a.
Personally, I don't agree. By that token, 7b is 26/27?? I have done quite a lot of routes graded 7b in europe, and the 7b's there feel like 25's ive done here. Regardless, It doesn't really matter as they are just number anyway. :)
>I find all systems are messy in the mid grade comparisons. Actually, they
>suck in the low grades too, largely because there aren't enough numbers
>in most systems to accommodate the range of easy routes. That might well
>suck in the hard grades too, I just never have to deal with that. They
>should all just admit our system is the only one that makes sense and adopt
Thanks Mike, yeah you are probably right. Glad you enjoyed the read. :)