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sentinal and red rocks trip. 18-Nov-2002 At 11:40:17 AM joemor
Neil and I (Joe) left early saturay morning and raced towards our newly discovered sentinal cave.

We dragged the rack, rope and bolting gear up and sussed out some possible lines. This time Neil was installing expansion bolts so after a suprisingly short time he was climbing the new route (that he thought may be called "Stepping on Snakes"). It tackles a jugyy pumpy start similar to "Dwarf Pumper" but ends in a horizontal roof with a dino to the lip. This impressive route is the pick of the cave so far and we thought it went at about 23-24. I then tried a red point attempt of "Media Puzzle" and this time made it past a few more bolts before becomming all noodle armed.

We then headed to a near by wall (Sentinal Wall) that has amazing pockets and features on it. I put up a route "Fot as Huck" which was an all gear route at about 17 and Neil blazed one to the right at about 20.
We then realised that we should have been drinking alot more than we had and that we were quite dehydrated, so we headed off for a swim at a waterfall i have since forgitten the name of.

On the sunday we headed up to Red Rocks where Neil bolted a impressive route on jugs and dishes and before he had lowered to the ground it seemed he was having his first shot on it. he got up it with afew rests, whacked some red tape on it for next times redpoint. Neil also did a 24 ish route to the left of it, i had a shot and failed miserably. We then had lunch and Neil gave me the tour.
I did "Vertibrae" 19 which i can reccomend to everyone. Neil had a go at what he thought was a 22 on top rope and soon realised it wasnt. He showed some of his other routes in the area and i was very impressed. On the way back we spotted a roof and mantle boulder problem which i sent and called "Hard as Jelly" v2.
Then exhausted we headed for the car and realised it was 7 o'clock and navigated ourselves home.

It was a great trip although stinking hot and i can definately reccomend the two areas for any one heading out there in the future.


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