I'm surprised that they sent a helicopter! The lifeguard chopper hovers fifty meters above us, as the pilot calls in his observations. “Yeah, looks like eight to ten washed up old climbers, helping an adventurous local bloke to achieve his tyro dream........you want me to cut their line with my rotor?”
In short order about a dozen lifeguards appear, followed by a couple more on jetskis. Its starting to resemble a scene from Baywatch. Stuart is less than thrilled “Hey Stu, this looks like it might be headed for the evening news!” Phil nominates himself as chief negotiator/bullshitter. From the other end of the line, I'm unable to enjoy the exchange, but can still see body language. Apparently, put on the spot, Phil suggests the idea of using our set-up as a means of rescuing striken swimmers from the zawn. The body language suggests that the lifeguards might not be buying it. I'm pretty sure that they'll shut the whole thing down. Clinton seems worried, it'd be a pity to have gotten this close.
But now things start looking up, the lifeguards are all nodding and smiling, the chopper peels off, and Phil and Steve have returned to the task of tensioning the line. As it turns out, there are no existing regulations prohibiting tyros, and someone has cleverly offered the lifeguards a ride! We're back in business.