>There are people who work in Parks Vic who see National Parks as tourist
>industry facility (remember the
>plan for Arapiles last year?), and there are other people who work in
>Parks Victoria who see National
>Parks as environmental preserves (meaning places to keep humans out of
>and not allow anything to occur
>there, locked up and throw away the key).
"Tourism Victoria will work with State Government agencies, the Regional Tourism Board, Local
Government, investors and industry to facilitate the following priority projects:
• Tourism infrastructure and product, including high quality boutique and
accommodation, to support the proposed Grampians Long Distance Trail;
• Nature-based and adventure tourism infrastructure and product including walking
and bicycle trails to capitalise on the region’s natural assets;
• Accommodation associated with food and wine product; and
• Development of visitor accommodation and tourism facilities at Mount Arapiles. " Pg 30
But what does this have do with the humble climber ? :-)