On 12-Dec-2018 Duang Daunk wrote:
>>On 12-Dec-2018 Bro JDB wrote:
>>I think this scenario should be a red flag for all climbers; as there
>>is a huge influx of new climbers eminating from the burgeoning indoor gym
>>industry, who are heading outdoors without a good understanding of the
>>'ground rules'. So how are this next generation of sport climbers going
>>to be educated?
>They already are educated.
>“Like, that gym blue route was reset tha otha day; man it’s nails now!”
>Leads to...
>“Going to Camels Lump to practice getting stronger outdoors, but that
>Boogie Route is a bit gnarled and could do with a reset!!”
Sorry bro JDB.
I was wrong.
With the latest information available it appears the perpetrator has been educated by Chockstone! They obviously read Dalai reply to Chloe and went back to safetyise their botched lower off job.
Next thing they’ll want their hangers back to safetyise some other route...