On 9-Jan-2018 darkpromenade wrote:
>I've visited the ParksVic website (is it deliberately obtuse?) and cliffcare
>and can't find definitive information.
>If the track from the old Troopers Creek campground is closed (is it closed,
>or just not maintained?), how do you access the cliff?
Hi darkpromenade,
The track from Troopers Creek campground is officially closed as a walking track and was extensively damaged due to the North Grampians fire and won't be maintained as such any more. At the time of meetings with PV when they announced that they wouldn't be reopening the Troopers Creek campground, they discussed a new access into the climbing area from the newer campground at Dead Bullock creek. I discussed with them at this time, that this was unfair and an even longer walk in. It was agreed that climbers could continue to access using the old track. I haven't been in and from what I have been told, some sections are not in the best state. So basically, you can access as before - it just might be a little harder. I am keen to hear from people who have gone in and if sketchy in some areas, maybe we can look at highlighting the better track/access option. This was due to be updated on CliffCare and will do so shortly.