A double bolt belay and chains if you can find it! Their rough position is identified by the orange poles - kindly put in place by some ski patrol guys. I think there are more bolts either side of the set of chains with additional pole markers but I couldn't find these ones this time.
The main set of chains are located just below the newest looking (brightest) central orange pole, on the slope 10m above the lip of the waterfall. Just dig down below the pole and clear away any snow around the rock at the base and you should find them.
Otherwise you might be able to get some screws in for a belay if you are lucky but have a good look at the surrounding ice before doing so. If the snow is deep enough a T slot for a stake could also work but generally that ramp above the fall doesn't collect very deep snow so I wouldn't rely on this. Also the rock is shit so don't expect much on that front either!