Mel Wilde has written this article in the NewcastleHerald. We are currently seeking to have rock climbing removed as a "dangerous activity" from the regulations of the Forestry Corporation and are arranging a meeting with Niall Blair, the minister for Primary Industries.
Please take the time to email Niall Blair, (national Party) making some of the following points, and send a copy to your local member as well. If the closure of the Forestry area of Bulahdelah to climbing has affected you, bring that up. The situation there is more complex but the rapidity of the ban and lack of consultation has been easy because of these existing regulations.
*Recreation and Tourism management are integral to the business of the FCNSW.
• Climbing is a low-impact, human-powered, legitimate recreation with more than 60 000 participants in NSW and is increasing in popularity
• Climbers are prepared to give back by volunteering on public land, protecting the environment, and preserving open space.
• The majority of climbers are responsible, considerate, and safety-conscious.
• Rock climbing has a significantly better safety profile than many sports, including horse riding, dirt bike riding and mountain bike riding, all of which are permitted in state forests.
• Climbing tourism contributes to the economic vitality of many regional areas in NSW
• The inclusion of rock climbing in the list of banned activities is discriminatory and fails on equity and probity