On 21/02/2014 Damo666 wrote:
>Second, it's our land, Australian citizens' land, the government has just
>usurped some of it and limited our access to our land. Australians were
>there before the Navy was there.
Sorry what? Last I checked my white Australian history, the east coast of Australia was claimed in the name of the King of Britain. Therefore, I can guarantee that the Crown owned the land before any white Australians walked on the land. Since then, unless it's been sold / transferred, it's under continuous ownership by either the British or Australian governments. If you choose to dispute this then the basis of any property you own is invalid.
Ergo, unless you can show me where Point Perp has been sold / transferred to the citizens / another legal entity, the land is still the government's (as is all land within the Commonwealth of Australia).
The Aboriginal angle would also probably exclude you from access unless you were part of their tribe, except during certain specific circumcisions. |