On 15/04/2013 vwills wrote:
>Like ODH I am puzzled. I thought perhaps the options are:
>a) a geologist (not wanting to besmirch friends of mine who seem sensible
>and are also geologists)
>b) Under 28 with a strong sense of self entitlement
>c) a troll (and a successful one)
>d) stupid (no logic in safety arguments)
>e) a fan of Fight club (It is the only book I have ever burned, though
>could have done the same to some Irving Welsh)
>f) all of the above.
I'm also really confused, but I vote for a mixture of B & D. And I agree wholeheartedly with E - one of few examples of crap book, great film.
>In what way are people "liable"for FAs.