Hi Martin,
Thankyou for so elegantly pointing out the posters requirements... I can read too.
The point that I was making was that, in the same excellent new guide that you refer to, there are multiple other areas that would meet these requirements, as well as provide excellent climbing. I was also pointing out (far too abrasively... sorry Cam... rough day) that I found it strange that people were giving authoratative statements on an area that they may not be super familiar with. I note that this point has been left alone.... probably a good call... I don't intend to create an angst fest!
I agree that the Boneyard would be a poor option due to access and location issues, but there is an entire Buttress of fun up the hill (New Horizons), as well as classic routes going straight off the ground, which would only be a 10 minute walk from my house. Even if these people are unwilling or able to do a multi-pitch route, there is thoroughly enjoyable 1st pitch climbing on Saphire Rose, God Monster, Best thing since powdered milk etc. All of these routes provide safe, quality and challenging climbing around the grade spread that these climbers are looking for.
Thanks again for helping to clear up this issue. |