On 10/01/2013 SH-on-tour wrote:
>Hi there
>I am looking to travel to visit friends in Tasmania in March - is this
>a good time to go climbing weather wise- if not what would be the best
>time to visit Tas to go climbing? Looking to do some multi pitch and single
>pitch trad and sport. Its our first time to visit the area for climbing
>- and though we'll be visiting friends we would spend a considerable amount
>of time outdoors if its possible.
>Hope everyone is safe and well after the fires over there
>Thanks in advance
Yoo hoo Mz SH-on-tour. You might already know this, but in case you don't, I read somewhere once a quote from a well respected venerable elderly climber, about climbing and weather.
He has an enviable record of first ascents to his credit and said something along the lines of;
"If you wait for the weather, you will climb jack-shit".
Even though he spoke in american-speak I take that to mean that you are better off attempting to do what you want to do, and if necessary taking suitable harden-up cement pills with you!
This approach has worked for me and Derek my M10 love.