On 9/08/2012 Macciza wrote:
>Your 'talk is cheap' as you have ably demonstrated . . .
>Read the top post on this page! I have been on the route! Just not in
>it's degraded state!
>The walk is deep though -
>Gigantor - FFA, The Citadel FFA, Fingal 2nd FA, Shai Hulud 2nd FA,
>Cyclops - Free Attempts, Gorgon FA, Giant FA, Titan (mixed), Collossus
>Oh and a bunch of old Ewbank mixed/aid routes freed ground up
>And yeah a few of WB's magnificent efforts, old style . .
>Etc etc etc . . .
>As to the 'homophobic comments' - What crap!
>Nothing I have said here I would not say to a very good friend of mine
>who is as a 'Gay' as 1940's bachelor but prefers men, has AIDS ( not the
>climbing sort) for as long as I have known him ( several years), is well
>known and respected in the Gay community, and with whom I have sucked big
>joints; he is my yardstick for homophobic comments . . .
>You should here what some of the Gays call each other, FFS . . .
Gosh, what a man! Can I use your comments when I tell my students about narcissistic personality disorder? |