>On a separate matter, please also don't assume that carrying an ice axe
>and wearing crampons will necessarily lessen the consequence of a slip.
>They may help prevent a slip (asusming you know how to use them) but unless
>you know how to self arrest an axe could be likened to a glorified walking
>pole. Even knowing how to self arrest may not help you if you quickly gather
>speed down an icy slope. Practice, practice, practice (without crampons
>to start) before you get yourself on high-consequence terrain to get a
>feel for how difficult it will be! This experience doesn't come with the
>sales receipt!
No arguments here!
I know how to self arrest and have practised it before in the backcountry under controlled conditions(lower angled slopes). I couldn't agree more with everything you said.
Which is all the more reason, as a novice, to carry them even if conditions may not necessitate them, if only to allow you to practise the skills for when conditions do!